How to Sell Thomas Kinkade Plates
- 1). Familiarize yourself with the life of Thomas Kinkade. Kinkade is America's most collected artist. He is a devout Christian and his paintings, reproduced on plates and other merchandise, express inspirational, and life-affirming messages. Knowing about Kinkade's life, and about the story behind the images on your specific plates will help you sell them.
- 2). Look for numbers and signatures on the back of your Thomas Kinkade plates. As a general rule, signed plates are worth more than plates that are just numbered, but things like date of manufacture are also important.
- 3). Call local antique dealers, flea markets and stores that sell new and used Thomas Kinkade plates and consult prices as a Thomas Kinkade collector looking for specific plates.
- 4). Do an online search for "Thomas Kinkade plates", including the title or titles of the collector plates you want to sell. Check out new and used prices. This should give you an idea of the going rate in your area for your Thomas Kinkade plates.
- 5). Check out listings on eBay, Craigslist and free online classifieds. Because Kinkade is such a prolific artist, constantly producing new paintings and collector's items, some plates and editions are worth more than others. If your plates are no longer in production, you may be able to get a higher price for them.
- 1). Publish free advertisements in online classifieds with a description of the Kinkade plates you are selling as well as when they were produced.
- 2). Include themes such as holidays, places or events in your advertisement title. Title your advertisement "Thomas Kinkade cottage plates," as opposed to the more general "Thomas Kinkade plates;" that way buyers that are looking for cottage-themed plates as well as Thomas Kinkade collectors will both be directed to your ad when they search the classifieds.
- 3). Make ready for any inquiries, photos, a price range and information about Thomas Kinkade and why he is an important American artist, as this could be a major selling point for some buyers.
- 4). Place an ad in your local newspaper's print edition or on local bulletin boards. Include correct contact information where buyers can reach you.
- 5). Advertise your plates for sale in local churches or set up a booth at a local church bazaar or garage sale. Emphasize Thomas Kinkade's Christian faith and religiously-themed plates to potential buyers.
- 6). Sell seasonally-themed Thomas Kinkade plates around the time of year in question. Collectors and non-collectors alike are more likely to buy a Thomas Kinkade Independence Day themed plate in June or July than in October.
- 7). Sell your Thomas Kinkade plates on online auction sites, like eBay. This is an effective option for selling unusual editions that can no longer be purchased new. Be aware though, that even if you don't sell your plates, most sites require you to pay a small service fee to use them, whether or not you end up selling your plates.
- 8). Set your minimum price for your Kinkade plates slightly lower than the prices you've encountered in stores and online to encourage someone to make the first bid. Include photos of your Thomas Kinkade plates from various angles.
- 9). Include plates' themes in the item titles. Don't merely list your plates as Thomas Kinkade plates. Be specific. If your Kinkade plates are from his Disney collection, make sure to include that in the item title. For example, if the plate is a scene about Bambi, title your advertisement "Disney's Bambi Thomas Kinkade Plate" and not simply "Thomas Kinkade Plate, Deer". Capture the attention of as many collectors and buyers as possible to get your best price.
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Keep your plates clean and in good condition. Serious Thomas Kinkade collectors will want to examine your plates for chips and flaws and to make sure they are officially licensed product. Thomas Kinkade plates present his emotive, wholesome and visually appealing artwork in an accessible way and new collectors may be inspired to begin their collection with your plates when they see them in person. - 1). Respond quickly and politely to questions and requests.
- 2). Know when to negotiate, and when to hold your ground. Have a minimum price already thought out, and don't go below it. There are a lot of Kinkade collectors, but as a result, there are also a lot of Thomas Kinkade sellers. Be patient, and you should be able to sell your Thomas Kinkade plates sooner or later.
- 3). Double check your research on the going price of your Thomas Kinkade plates. If you can't get the price you've set as your minimum, and the going price is less than your minimum, lower your price or wait and see if the price of the plate goes up.
- 4). Hold on to new Thomas Kinkade plates still in production, they will receive a higher price once they are no longer in production. Offer discounts to buyers that buy multiple plates. If you're unhappy with the amount of cash offered for your Kinkade plates, don't sell them.
- 5). Find a nearby antique or collectibles dealer with a permanent store or booth and negotiate their best price. Since dealers resell collectibles for a profit, and have to store the merchandise, you will probably get substantially less than you would if you sold your Thomas Kinkade plates directly to another collector.
- 6). Negotiate with an online dealer specializing in Thomas Kinkade plates. Online dealers will sell your collectibles for a cut of the final profit but you will have to deal with the added fuss of packing and shipping your Thomas Kinkade plates.