How to Make an Origami Skunk
- 1). Lay the origami paper in front of you. The black side should face up. Fold the paper vertically and crease. Unfold. Fold the paper horizontally and crease. Unfold. Fold the paper diagonally and crease. Unfold.
- 2). Fold the left edge in toward the center and crease. Fold the right edge in toward the center and crease. Unfold. Fold the top and bottom edges in toward the center and crease. Unfold. The black side should be facing up.
- 3). Pick up the paper and fold inward along the large V-shaped creases. The paper should fold in on itself. Fold the other side in along the creases. The figure should be L-shaped now.
- 4). Fold the top point of the smaller portion of the L-shaped figure down and crease. Repeat on the other side. This later forms the legs.
- 5). Fold the longer piece of the figure downward at an angle, so the piece touches the base of the figure's body, and crease. Unfold the paper with the white side up.
- 6). Crease the paper along the pentagon-shaped center folds with the sides of the paper pointing down. Gather the edges of the paper and collapse the figure inward along the creases so half is white and half is black.
- 7). Fold the black half in as a reverse fold to create the head, body and legs. Fold a small part of the face downward to create the nose.