There is an embarresment of riches out there on the world wide web, gifts that until recently would have been near on impossible to find but now they have a life of their own online, you just have to work out how to find them. OK so there are two categories of gift buyers 1) you know what you want to buy but you just don't know where to buy it and 2) You have no idea what you want to buy and you thus have no idea where to buy it and 3) you don't care. So here is advice for all three.
Lets start with category number 1 - you know what you want, this is awesome and pre internet this was probably really hard for you because you would have to trudge all over town just to get what you needed. Now you have, hey presto! GOOGLE - if you type what you want into google it will be there and if you are organized and do it in November or earlier it doesn't matter if you find a supplier next door or in Siberia because it can be posted in time for Christmas.
My favourite recent €know what you want€ present was a customized puzzle. I had a cool photo that I wanted to be made into a puzzle. I googled it, found a retailer that provided this service, it was made and posted within a week. Happy days. Now for those in category number 2 - you have no idea what to get. Well super luck for you that these days there are a plethora of amazing websites that gather together hundreds or more amazing and unique gift ideas for you to peruse from the comfort of your chair.
Better still you can search by age, sex, likes, interests etc. These sites literally do the work for you, except pay that is. There are many out there so just google interesting or unique gifts or experience gifts or Original gifts or corporate gift bags and you will get all of the suppliers in your particular country. Hey presto. For those in category number 3. Ask your husband or wife to do it for you!