Helping Your Baby Develop His Visual Sense
More than 75% of all the baby learns will come as a result of his visual experiences. Infants are attracted to bright colors. Seeing color is a part of his early learning. Visual perception develops in a sequence that is still not completely understood. Apparently babies see only dark and light at first, then vague shapes in black and white and shades of gray. Not until the baby has learned to recognize people and objects with sight alone will he begin to develop his capacity to see color. Some pediatricians feel that most toddlers are unable to distinguish individual colors until after they are 2 ½ years old. Even though the small child may not see color and is really attracted to strong contrasts or movement, the experiences he has with bright colors are still important.
If the child is between the ages of two months and 2 ½ years, experiences with color are an important part of his visual development. Along with providing the baby with a variety of touching experiences, a parent should add slow movement and brightly colored objects to his day-to-day teaching regime. Just as numerous experiences with hearing stories and looking at pictures even before he can talk assist in preparing the child for reading, so do experiences with color begin the development of his visual discrimination. Brightly colored  mobiles moving slowly overhead and brilliant red rattles and colorful appliques seen against neutral backgrounds are the kinds o visual experiences the baby ought to be having daily. Â
Experiences with color will be a need of the child into adulthood, but the sort of color environment described above will no longer be needed when the child starts to distinguish one color from another. From that point on color experiences will become much more specific. For an array of brightly colored items from toys, to baby blankets, hooded towels, baby bibs, and infant clothing go to
If the child is between the ages of two months and 2 ½ years, experiences with color are an important part of his visual development. Along with providing the baby with a variety of touching experiences, a parent should add slow movement and brightly colored objects to his day-to-day teaching regime. Just as numerous experiences with hearing stories and looking at pictures even before he can talk assist in preparing the child for reading, so do experiences with color begin the development of his visual discrimination. Brightly colored  mobiles moving slowly overhead and brilliant red rattles and colorful appliques seen against neutral backgrounds are the kinds o visual experiences the baby ought to be having daily. Â
Experiences with color will be a need of the child into adulthood, but the sort of color environment described above will no longer be needed when the child starts to distinguish one color from another. From that point on color experiences will become much more specific. For an array of brightly colored items from toys, to baby blankets, hooded towels, baby bibs, and infant clothing go to