Ask a Chandler Dentist! How Come we have Wisdom Teeth?
Perhaps you have ever wondered why a wisdom tooth develops? You have had your share of teeth treatments and toothaches in the past and even questioned the tooth fairy to help you have a new set of beautiful and strong teeth.
In this article you'll find out scientific explanations behind these late grown teeth called "wisdom teeth".
Scientifically, anthropologists believe that wisdom teeth are classified as the third set of molars. Our teeth progression from our baby milk teeth to primary or permanent teeth has an organized pattern. The first set of molars will commonly grow during the early stage of "toddler-hood", to the age of 12. Generally all of your primary teeth will appear and our so called "permanent teeth" will come in. When you have hit your early 20s you are likely to find out that there's another set of teeth growing, and you often feel a great deal pain mainly because it grows on the hardest part of your gums which is roughly close to the jaw and call it "wisdom teeth".
Our forefathers generally call it wisdom teeth since it typically develops in the period when we begin learning more things; it's the time when you usually finish school and begin working. Some might have it sooner than 20s but usually, age of 20s is the normal age. But really, what's the reason behind its growth?
The evolutionary answer is due to our ancestors. The first people who lived on this planet have managed to make it all their lives with no knife, a spoon, or a fork. By doing this they needed extra molars to chew their foods. They frequently eat leaves, roots, nuts and meats before which really needs extra support to chew. Today, we find wisdom tooth a lot less essential since we already have spoons, forks and knifes to separate or reduce the bigness of the food items that any of us are likely to consume. Soups, soft type of diet have been created as well that's why we think our wisdom teeth not important in the least.
Some individuals never get wisdom teeth. Nevertheless, an individual who gets wisdom teeth ranges between 3-4 people out of 10. Scientific literature has yet to explain precisely how many teeth an individual has. It actually ranges but for the individuals who have supernumerary teeth, it can cause all kinds of problems. Today, Chandler dentists advise a few of their patients to take out their wisdom tooth the moment the roots have reached about two-thirds. They generally encourage to remove it as early as the patients reach their 20s in order to avoid future problems and to make certain that it's healed totally. The American Association of Oral Maxillofacial Surgeons states that approximately 85% of wisdom teeth should be removed. Deciding to get rid of it in your 30s might lead to significant troubles, and recovery might take quite a long time.
Every one of us has our very own opinions why we have wisdom teeth plus some may think that if you have no wisdom teeth at all you will need to study further to ensure it grows. You must be kidding! Today, we've seen plenty of changes in the way our food is prepared; we usually cut, dice, steam, fry or boil it to ensure it is easier for us to consume. We have different views about wisdom teeth and extracting it or allowing it to stay doesn't matter at all. What's essential is that you understand the scientific reasons behind it and that option is now yours whether you're intending to call your Chandler dentist and have it taken out, or let him take proper care of it so that you can make use of it greater than the usual.
In this article you'll find out scientific explanations behind these late grown teeth called "wisdom teeth".
Scientifically, anthropologists believe that wisdom teeth are classified as the third set of molars. Our teeth progression from our baby milk teeth to primary or permanent teeth has an organized pattern. The first set of molars will commonly grow during the early stage of "toddler-hood", to the age of 12. Generally all of your primary teeth will appear and our so called "permanent teeth" will come in. When you have hit your early 20s you are likely to find out that there's another set of teeth growing, and you often feel a great deal pain mainly because it grows on the hardest part of your gums which is roughly close to the jaw and call it "wisdom teeth".
Our forefathers generally call it wisdom teeth since it typically develops in the period when we begin learning more things; it's the time when you usually finish school and begin working. Some might have it sooner than 20s but usually, age of 20s is the normal age. But really, what's the reason behind its growth?
The evolutionary answer is due to our ancestors. The first people who lived on this planet have managed to make it all their lives with no knife, a spoon, or a fork. By doing this they needed extra molars to chew their foods. They frequently eat leaves, roots, nuts and meats before which really needs extra support to chew. Today, we find wisdom tooth a lot less essential since we already have spoons, forks and knifes to separate or reduce the bigness of the food items that any of us are likely to consume. Soups, soft type of diet have been created as well that's why we think our wisdom teeth not important in the least.
Some individuals never get wisdom teeth. Nevertheless, an individual who gets wisdom teeth ranges between 3-4 people out of 10. Scientific literature has yet to explain precisely how many teeth an individual has. It actually ranges but for the individuals who have supernumerary teeth, it can cause all kinds of problems. Today, Chandler dentists advise a few of their patients to take out their wisdom tooth the moment the roots have reached about two-thirds. They generally encourage to remove it as early as the patients reach their 20s in order to avoid future problems and to make certain that it's healed totally. The American Association of Oral Maxillofacial Surgeons states that approximately 85% of wisdom teeth should be removed. Deciding to get rid of it in your 30s might lead to significant troubles, and recovery might take quite a long time.
Every one of us has our very own opinions why we have wisdom teeth plus some may think that if you have no wisdom teeth at all you will need to study further to ensure it grows. You must be kidding! Today, we've seen plenty of changes in the way our food is prepared; we usually cut, dice, steam, fry or boil it to ensure it is easier for us to consume. We have different views about wisdom teeth and extracting it or allowing it to stay doesn't matter at all. What's essential is that you understand the scientific reasons behind it and that option is now yours whether you're intending to call your Chandler dentist and have it taken out, or let him take proper care of it so that you can make use of it greater than the usual.