How to Exercise Effectively on an Exercise Bike
- 1). Set the correct seat height. On extension, your knee should have a slight bend and your foot should be flat. If you have to extend to "tippie" toes or your leg straightens and almost locks, the seat is too high. If you have a 35-degree bend or more in your knee, the seat is too low.
- 2). Use toe cages or toe straps. To get a full workout, you'll need to push and pull the pedals. In order to do that, your feet must be clipped in. If you don't have biking shoes (or if the exercise bike isn't equipped with clipping pedals) the toe cages or toe straps work fine. Sometimes, other gym patrons remove the straps, if this is the case, check with the gym management for another set.
- 3). Use variable resistance. Adjust the tension up and down, while riding, to simulate hills and flats. Some electronic bikes, like the Lifecycle, have preset programs that offer hill and random programs to challenge your muscles. Spinning bikes have a tension control in the center of the frame, above the flywheel.
- 4). Engage your core. Maintain proper posture while riding. If riding upright, the back should be neutral and shoulders back. Look in front of you, as if you were watching the road and not down. Looking down causes you to round your upper back. Looking too far up will cause you to arch your back. Keeping your head straight and engaging your abs will keep your spine neutral.
- 5). Keep a steady cadence. Try maintaining a steady rate of rpms on both hills and flats. Pedal as if you were actually riding out on the street and had to provide enough power to get up that hill. If it's difficult to maintain a steady cadence, then lower the resistance.
- 6). Keep all of your weight in your legs. If you stand on the bike, you should be able to lift one hand off the handle bars without shifting weight or falling forward. If you can't that means you're holding your weight in your hands, which will strain your wrists, upper back and shoulders. All of your weight should be in your legs, and you should pedal up and down in a piston-like motion.