Getting The Most Out Of Your Doctor
Going to see the doctor can be quite a stressful experience for most of us and we can come away from the surgery thinking "I wish I had remembered to tell the Doc about...
" Write down all of your symptoms before you see your doctor.
Information such as "When and how did it start? How did it feel?Has it ever happened before? And Have I done anything about it - taken any medicine?" Try to inform yourself about your symptoms before you go to the doctors.
Look on the internet before you go.
BUT be selective.
Millions of sites give health information, but much of it is of little or of no use, and is often out of date.
Try official health sites such as NHS Direct.
If the doctor says anything that you don't understand ask him to explain more thoroughly, and don't be afraid to ask questions about, say, different treatments etc.
Possibly have a paper and pen to write down any notes.
It is a fact that most of us remember only half of what we are told by our doctor.
Remember that it is YOUR body and YOUR health that you are discussing, and it is a partnership that will keep it working properly.
On average doctors see us for less than ten minutes per consultation so it is important that you don't "beat around the bush.
" If you have a lump in your breast or your testicles say so.
Get straight to the point.
There is no point in going to your doctor with gout and coming out with a prescription for piles.
When you get your prescription get back to question time - ask him/her to explain it.
If there is more than one medicineprescribed ask what they are all for.
Will they react badly with alcohol - lots do.
What are the side effects to look out for.
All of this advice is really just common sense, but as seeing our GP can be stressful it is so easy to forget some of it.
The final thing to remember is that your doctor and his staff are all working hard and like all of us enjoy praise when it is sincerely given.
These days praise is thin on the ground so an acknowledgment of thanks for their good efforts will be remembered at a later date.
" Write down all of your symptoms before you see your doctor.
Information such as "When and how did it start? How did it feel?Has it ever happened before? And Have I done anything about it - taken any medicine?" Try to inform yourself about your symptoms before you go to the doctors.
Look on the internet before you go.
BUT be selective.
Millions of sites give health information, but much of it is of little or of no use, and is often out of date.
Try official health sites such as NHS Direct.
If the doctor says anything that you don't understand ask him to explain more thoroughly, and don't be afraid to ask questions about, say, different treatments etc.
Possibly have a paper and pen to write down any notes.
It is a fact that most of us remember only half of what we are told by our doctor.
Remember that it is YOUR body and YOUR health that you are discussing, and it is a partnership that will keep it working properly.
On average doctors see us for less than ten minutes per consultation so it is important that you don't "beat around the bush.
" If you have a lump in your breast or your testicles say so.
Get straight to the point.
There is no point in going to your doctor with gout and coming out with a prescription for piles.
When you get your prescription get back to question time - ask him/her to explain it.
If there is more than one medicineprescribed ask what they are all for.
Will they react badly with alcohol - lots do.
What are the side effects to look out for.
All of this advice is really just common sense, but as seeing our GP can be stressful it is so easy to forget some of it.
The final thing to remember is that your doctor and his staff are all working hard and like all of us enjoy praise when it is sincerely given.
These days praise is thin on the ground so an acknowledgment of thanks for their good efforts will be remembered at a later date.