Basketball Equipment Review: First Team Hydroshot III Basketball Hoop
The unit is infinitely adjustable from regulation 10' down to 6'6". An easy-to-read height indicator is provided as well. Designed for commercial waterparks, the First Team Hydroshot III also makes a first class residential poolside hoop. First Team's unique anchor bolt installation design allows you to easily relocate the unit if you ever need to. An anchor bolt cover is provided with each unit. For additional safety, backboard padding is available to all HydroShot models. The Hydro Shot III is a high-quality poolside basketball system. Its 4" x 4" steel post offers extreme durability and the dual strut extension arm is built to last. This unit will give you many years of rust-free use, unlike flimsy plastic versions. When the rim height is set to 10', the post to backboard extension is 36".
The distance increases as the rim height is lowered. You can bring the rim height on the Hydro Shot II down to as low as 25" above the mounting surface. When you want to change the rim height on the Hydro Shot III, simply use the crank handle to make the adjustment. You have the flexibility to set the rim height to any level between 10' and 6'6". The Hydro Shot III's anchor bolt system design makes it easy to move the unit if you ever want to use it in a different location. A protective cover is used to keep the anchor bolts hidden. Designed in the same way as the premium basketball systems used in commercial water parks, the Hydro Shot III provides you with a high-quality unit.
It is equipped with a 36" x 54" acrylic backboard and a heavy duty flex goal. To avoid the possibility of breakage when players hang off the goal the Hydro Shot III is "direct mounted" for stability and safety.