Twitter is least concerned about Instagram users
Recently, Instagram hit the 300 million users milestone which makes the company bigger than Twitter (TWTR) . The company now has more than 300 million monthly active users, sharing more than 70 million photos every day, and an average of 2.5 billion daily likes on different pictures and videos. However, the founder of Twitter is not impressed and he is sick of all the love Facebook is getting lately whether it is Facebook or Instagram which Facebook bought in 2012.
To be precise, the founder of Twitter said "I don't give a shit if Instagram has more people looking at pretty pictures." Not only the Twitter founder but all of the company officials are pretty much annoyed with the amount of love Facebook is getting lately whether it is for users, interface, user friendliness, or anything else.
But despite of all the attention towards Facebook and Instagram, tech savvy and social media addicts believe that Twitter is the perfect social media platform. As Business Insider says "If you think about the impact Twitter has on the world versus Instagram, it's pretty significant. It's at least apples to oranges. Twitter is what we wanted it to be. It's this real time information network where everything in the world that happens on Twitter — important stuff breaks on Twitter and world leaders have conversations on Twitter."
Hence, Twitter is least concerned with whatever progress Facebook and Instagram is making. It believes that the platform the company has given to its users is perfect and it is going in the right direction despite of falling behind Instagram in terms of users.
Twitter improves user experience
Twitter has become one of the most used social media networking platform which is used for networking and making connections. Being one of the most successful companies in the market, the company has its footprints all around the world. Moreover, twitter is one of the most used social media network on which they are active when you talk about celebrities and athletes. Moreover, the company has recently expanded its global footprints to Hong Kong. Hence, the company is determined to improve its performance with providing better user experience.
According to various sources, Twitter is hungry for new data to fuel its targeted advertising, will start looking at what other apps its users have downloaded. reported that "the company will begin collecting data on which other apps its users have on their iOS and Android smartphones. The data, Twitter says, will help it deliver better "tailored content" to its users. That's sure to include ads, but maybe also better recommendations about whom to follow when users sign up, or more relevant first tweets in the feed, which could help Twitter hook people early."
This will be done in order to provide the best user experience from the company's side where even the new users will feel that Twitter is user friendly. It will tailor the tweets and timeline according to the liking and disliking of the users through their installed applications. Twitter says "It's strictly a list of the apps users have installed, not data pertaining to what people do inside those apps. So Twitter would know if you have a ride-hailing app, but it wouldn't see your rides taken with the app."