How to Start Painting Model Cars
- 1). Wash all model parts in warm soapy water. Separate any chrome or clear plastic parts. Allow the parts to dry.
- 2). Lay down cardboard sheets to protect the painting surface.
- 3). Cut a wood block so that pieces of the car's body can rest on top and allow you to move it around as necessary.
- 4). Spray a coat of white primer on parts such as doors, hoods and trunks. Hold the can 8 inches to 10 inches from the surface and spray in a back-and-forth motion.
- 5). Spray interior colors on seats, dashboards and other parts and allow them to dry.
- 6). Place the body parts on the wood block and spray several coats, allowing drying time between each coat. It is recommended to allow the paint to dry overnight.
- 7). Smooth over the finish with polishing pads of 3,200-grit and 12,000-grit quality. Wipe the surface clean if you see minor imperfections in the paint job.
- 8). Apply a coat of plastic polish. Acrylic floor wax sprayed through an airbrush or gloss coat enamel will do as well.
- 9). Assemble the car as directed.