Filing a public liability claim for injuries you suffer
In order to ensure that compensation is paid out in genuine cases, most of them have a public liability insurer that helps them cover any claims coming their way. If you are injured at a public place such as a supermarket, you can file a claim for public liability.
Injuries such as slips, trips or falls that result in any injury are encompassed by public liability. You can claim compensation for hospital bills that you had to pay because of your injury. Additionally, your claim may include compensation for being out of work. Your claim can also include compensation for emotional stress caused to you and your family.
Proof of How You Got Injured Strengthens Your Claim
If you get injured in a supermarket or any other place, there is almost always evidence available. Supermarkets and other public places will have CCTV footage captured, which can be used as evidence. Moreover, there will probably be witnesses present who would have seen you falling.
From the evidence available, you can prove the reason for your trip or fall. Proving this is important, and you will be looking to make it clear that your injury was the fault of the facility you were visiting. For example, if you slipped, you'd want to prove that something had been spilled on the floor. The next step would be to uncover who spilled that liquid. Only recorded footage would help reveal the one responsible.
A Case of Public Liability and Compensation
If you can prove that your accident was caused by an employee of the supermarket, your case will be stronger. However, even if another visitor were to blame for the spillage, the facility's insurer would still have to compensate you. Similarly, if there is some irregularity that causes an accident on a public pathway, you can also file for compensation. The case involving Mrs. T is an example of this.
Mrs. T tripped on a public pathway where a tile was loose with its edge sticking 1.5 inches above its regular surface. Not expecting such an impediment, she tripped over it and fell. Ending up with a broken hip due to the fall, Mrs. T had to go for surgery. Her solicitors filed a claim and negotiated with those responsible. She won a compensation amounting to £12,500.
Hiring solicitors to manage your public liability claim will result in a smooth case. Solicitors know the law and the best path to filing your claim. When negotiations are required, they also know how to argue the case and corner the opposition. This is how they manage to extract the maximum financial compensation for you.