Ezine Article Marketing - How to Use Article Marketing with Ezines Effectively?
Others may then republish your articles for their blog, website or ezine resulting in driving traffic to your website.
Ezine article marketing is a cost saving way to promote your business that is mostly under utilized.
Article marketing with ezines is one of the best ways to market for no other than reason than it is cost efficient for a beginner.
Those who are interested in internet marketing as a start up business may not have the capital to promote, which is why article marketing works so well.
And if this were the only benefit people would still be doing it, but article marketing has another key benefit.
It educates prospects in a way that an ad can't.
Articles don't scream sleazy sales pitch.
They're informative; they might hit an emotional cord or in some cases are witty and humorous.
Top that off with the fact that they are able to reach thousands of people in your market base and you have the perfect marketing medium.
While article marketing for article syndication sites is a great way to get your message out there, another successful method is to approach ezine publishers directly and ask them to host your article in their issue.
Below are some tips on how to go about article marketing with ezines: How do you begin using ezine article marketing? The first thing is to determine your audience and then create solid pieces of information for them.
There are over 300,000 ezine out there with 90 percent of them that take free articles.
This means that there is a huge market for your articles regardless of your subject.
However, your subject must be targeted to those who will be seeking and responsive to the information.
Writing for an off topic crowd with the intension of driving more people to your website is a waste of time for the ezine editor and yourself.
The editor will throw your article in the sludge pile-never to be seen by his subscribers-and even if he does use it, you will not receive targeted traffic.
Untargeted traffic does nothing to build your business or create longevity.
To repeat myself again, it is a waste of time for everyone involved.
Once you realize who you are writing for and what topics will be of interest to them, you can begin to create your alluring articles.
Here are some tips to help you write your articles: 1.
Write in your own voice.
Though you may be compelled to emulate someone else's style, readers will be able to see right through.
Nothing says "I'm not an expert in my field" louder than a badly written copycat article.
Be yourself.
Your readers will appreciate your piece more.
Be sure your article has a clear and focused intro that will pull your readers in, 4-5 appropriate points to elaborate on the topic of the piece, and a neat conclusion that wraps everything up.
This can be easily done if you just reword your intro.
Keep your article between 450-650 words.
Anything less than 450 may not have enough points to back up your statements and anything over 650 words may contain irrelevant information.
Remember your writing for the web.
Keep your paragraphs short and leave enough white space to give the reader's eyes a break.
Finding ezines: The most effective way to find ezines that match your article content is to use the directory of ezine.
When looking for ezines look for the following: 1.
The ezine is directed to your market and matches your article content.
The ezine accepts articles.
Some ezine have in-house writers that write for the ezine.
To be sure subscribe to the ezine and check if the names are the same with each issue or if they change.
Approaching the editor: As mentioned above asking an editor to use your ezine is a very effective method of article marketing.
Here are some tips for approaching the editor.
Subscribe to the ezine 2.
Check out a few issues 3.
Send the editor a personal note pointing out what you enjoyed about the issues you read 4.
Offer your article as one that might fit 5.
Ask to be informed if your article is run 6.
Thank them for their time 7.
Be available if they have questions Maximizing your return on time invested: This simple trick is what makes writing articles worth your time.
Include a "resource box" at the end of your article.
Your resource box should sell the reader on your website.
Be sure that it asks the reader to take action such visit your site, subscribe to your newsletter, make a phone call or whatever it is you want them to do.
Ezine article marketing is still one of the best ways to market online.
Article marketing with ezines is a free for you and informative for the reader, best of all it's proven to yield great results.