Do You Know What It Takes To Go From Bad Credit To Good Credit?
I always begin by asking them if they know what they did (interpreted - are responsible for) to get in the mess they are in? You should hear some of the answers, my wife left me, my wife spends too much money, I don't make enough money (then why do you have so many credit cards?), to a whole host of other excuses for the problem.
Notice I said excuses and not reasons.
My next question is; well, have you a plan to get out of the mess you are in? Some do and some don't.
If you are one of the latter let's see if we can help you.
Let's start by saying that if you are disciplined (and really, really want to) there is no reason you can't get back on top.
If you are not then don't bother reading any further.
A lot of people will offer you some bogus method to get out of the problem you have created.
You may be told that you can form a corporation (won't work), or get a fake social number or some such scheme (this is illegal just in case there is someone contemplating this).
Here are some facts that will show you just how important having a good credit score is: ·You can save thousands of dollars on credit cards by qualifying for the lowest rate available.
·Credit problems cause stress (marital and physical) among other things.
·Having a poor credit score makes it almost impossible to buy a home since the current credit debacle.
Here's what needs to happen if you want a better credit score.
It won't happen overnight but it will happen if you follow our directions.
·Correct your credit report.
I always suggest this first because the reporting agencies themselves say that up to 79% of the credit reports contain errors.
I'll bet yours does too! Get a copy and go over it line by line and see if you have any errors.
·If you find errors - what do you do? Start making a list of anything that is inaccurate, misleading, or whatever you find.
You have the right to contest anything that is inaccurate, misleading or outdated on your credit report.
Write to the agencies (all 3) and explain your side - be polite - just ask for this to be corrected.
If you don't get results (and you may not) then we recommend a good credit repair lawyer.
They will get things fixed up - guaranteed! ·Next pay your bills on time (what you should have been doing all along).
Be more diligent about this aspect because this is a major key.
·Pay your credit card(s) down.
I recommend that you put them away for a time and only use them in case of a real emergency.
Get those balances down to 30% or less of your credit limit.
·Plan a budget.
I know you may not know how, that's why we make it easy for you.
Our website has budget planners that are FREE.
We have one month and 12-month planners to help you get on top of your problem.
·After you have raised your credit score - what then?You might consider getting another credit card just to help rebuild your credit.
Don't use it to get into more debt.
Use caution, extreme caution in this and keep your debt under control.
·What should your ultimate goal be? Why, I should have thought that was obvious.
To be DEBT FREE! Then you will experience the ultimate freedom.
No more fights with your spouse over money, no more stress attacks, no more nightmares, etc.
You get the picture.
If you have trouble with numbers 1 & 2 carefully consider hiring a professional.
You wouldn't trust your health to someone who just finished medical school; you want someone with some real life experience.
This is exactly the same - there are many sites that tell you that you can repair your own credit.
That has not been my personal experience.
Why take a chance; it's affordable and a good credit attorney will guarantee results.