The History of Drug Trafficking
- In response to high amounts of marijuana entering the United States through Mexico, the U.S. Customs Department begins Operation Intercept. For two weeks, every single vehicle at the U.S./Mexican border is searched. The first major drug interdiction operation does little to slow the flow of marijuana across the border.
- Richard Nixon establishes the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA).
- Carlos Lehder and George Jung use small planes and a small Bahamanian island (Norman's Cay) to transport cocaine between Colombia and the U.S.
- After the collapse of Lehder's Colombian operation, cocaine transportation routes shift to Mexico.
- Pablo Escobar, leader of the most powerful drug cartel in the world (based in Medellin, Colombia) is killed by Colombian police with the help of U.S. Special Forces (see image).
- President Bill Clinton's $1.3 contribution to Colombia's drug enforcement efforts sets the tone for the United States' next decade of drug interdiction efforts.