Playing the Piano by Ear - How to Train Yourself to Do It!
However, once you master that art, you almost become an expert and can begin to play almost every song that you would like to.
Here are some tips to begin to do just that! People often think learning to play by the ear is a god-given gift that has to come "by-birth".
It could hardly be true as I have personally met several excellent pianists who learned to play the piano by ear! You can play excellently and beautifully just by listening to the song that you want to play, but you will need to train your ears and fingers for that.
The first thing is you should have a good knowledge about the piano and the playing nuances.
You must be quite confident about your play and you should be able to swiftly and effortlessly play the instrument.
This comes from good training.
For those who cannot afford to spend time and money on regular classes, there are good piano learning tools in the form of software programs which come in handy.
Through these software, you can learn to be very good at the piano.
Next comes training your ears to pick sounds and scales.
You can do this again through listening to various songs for which you have sheet music and then playing them out on the instrument.
This way, you get a feel for the regular harmony and the way the melody moves.
Once you have done these, you can switch over to listening and playing directly without having to rely on sheet music.
When you first begin doing this, make sure you first concentrate on the melody part and then move on to the harmony once you have mastered the former.