Chiropractic - The Plain and Simple Truth
One of the most common conversations had by chiropractors and the general public is about the 'popping' or 'cracking' sounds that are so well known in the profession.
It is probably similar to how police officers are asked about having to shoot their gun or a fireman being trapped in a burning building.
All of these situations occur, but they are really not the whole of what the professions are about.
This article is hopefully going to address this question in a way that can help shed light on what it is that is actually happening with that sound.
Also, it will address what other ways are available to the chiropractor to achieve the results that both your practitioner and you are after.
Chiropractic has a history that dates back to 1895.
For over 110 years, chiropractic has been helping millions of people live more pain-free lives without the need for drugs or other foreign means to achieve well-being.
You see, this is one of its key points.
It isn't that there is some bias or negative feeling towards someone's desire to be out of pain.
The main thing that your chiropractor wants for you is to help you feel less pain and more alive.
You can achieve these results without having to rely on drugs in most cases.
In fact, drugs don't really do anything to change why you are feeling the pain in the first place - they just block the signals getting to your brain which tell your body that something hurts.
It's like painting over the warning light on your dashboard telling you are low on fuel.
Sure, it might not be as annoying to see that yellow light flashing or beeping, but sooner or later, you'll have to get gas.
Well, sooner or later, you will have to address the underlying issues that would cause your body to have pain.
At Infinite Healing Arts Center, this is what we want to help you discover.
Once you can develop strategies within your body and in your life to stop the pattern that leads to underlying aches and pains, then you can start to live again.
Isn't this what you really want? If there was a magic wand that could take your pain away, it wouldn't mean that you are any more happy or willing to pursue your dreams.
Is it possible that one of the reasons that you feel the way you do is because of what you are not doing in life? Chiropractic has always had spinal subluxations as the core issue that is addressed.
The chiropractic adjustment is a force that your body uses to make a correction to this spinal distortion.
Traditionally, this method was done only using one's hands.
In fact, chiro-practic means 'done or practiced by hand'.
Over its history, techniques that utilize instruments and other devices have been developed as well.
Most techniques address the spinal subluxation or distortion as the cause of your pains.
Techniques that address your overall nervous system's 'tone', if you will, see these spinal distortions as mere signs of a compromised ability of your nervous system to adapt properly to stressors from your internal or external world.
So, these methods seek to address your body's ability to respond to stress, rather than just align the parts of your spine that appear to be out of line.
These approaches do not typically rely on a force that would cause a popping or cracking sound in your spinal joints.
This sound is just gases that are released into the joint space when there is a certain amount of vacuum space created by the force introduced.
It doesn't necessarily mean that your body corrected, it just means gas was released into the joint space from the surrounding joint tissues.
Think of the sound a champagne or pop bottle makes when opened quickly.
The bubbles that appear were always 'in there', they just appeared after the pressure was released.
It is probably similar to how police officers are asked about having to shoot their gun or a fireman being trapped in a burning building.
All of these situations occur, but they are really not the whole of what the professions are about.
This article is hopefully going to address this question in a way that can help shed light on what it is that is actually happening with that sound.
Also, it will address what other ways are available to the chiropractor to achieve the results that both your practitioner and you are after.
Chiropractic has a history that dates back to 1895.
For over 110 years, chiropractic has been helping millions of people live more pain-free lives without the need for drugs or other foreign means to achieve well-being.
You see, this is one of its key points.
It isn't that there is some bias or negative feeling towards someone's desire to be out of pain.
The main thing that your chiropractor wants for you is to help you feel less pain and more alive.
You can achieve these results without having to rely on drugs in most cases.
In fact, drugs don't really do anything to change why you are feeling the pain in the first place - they just block the signals getting to your brain which tell your body that something hurts.
It's like painting over the warning light on your dashboard telling you are low on fuel.
Sure, it might not be as annoying to see that yellow light flashing or beeping, but sooner or later, you'll have to get gas.
Well, sooner or later, you will have to address the underlying issues that would cause your body to have pain.
At Infinite Healing Arts Center, this is what we want to help you discover.
Once you can develop strategies within your body and in your life to stop the pattern that leads to underlying aches and pains, then you can start to live again.
Isn't this what you really want? If there was a magic wand that could take your pain away, it wouldn't mean that you are any more happy or willing to pursue your dreams.
Is it possible that one of the reasons that you feel the way you do is because of what you are not doing in life? Chiropractic has always had spinal subluxations as the core issue that is addressed.
The chiropractic adjustment is a force that your body uses to make a correction to this spinal distortion.
Traditionally, this method was done only using one's hands.
In fact, chiro-practic means 'done or practiced by hand'.
Over its history, techniques that utilize instruments and other devices have been developed as well.
Most techniques address the spinal subluxation or distortion as the cause of your pains.
Techniques that address your overall nervous system's 'tone', if you will, see these spinal distortions as mere signs of a compromised ability of your nervous system to adapt properly to stressors from your internal or external world.
So, these methods seek to address your body's ability to respond to stress, rather than just align the parts of your spine that appear to be out of line.
These approaches do not typically rely on a force that would cause a popping or cracking sound in your spinal joints.
This sound is just gases that are released into the joint space when there is a certain amount of vacuum space created by the force introduced.
It doesn't necessarily mean that your body corrected, it just means gas was released into the joint space from the surrounding joint tissues.
Think of the sound a champagne or pop bottle makes when opened quickly.
The bubbles that appear were always 'in there', they just appeared after the pressure was released.