How Do I Prevent Identity Theft for Children?
- 1). Teach children to protect personal information. Children at home and school become web-savvy at young ages. Instruct them to never give out personal information on websites, such as email address, phone number and home address. Children old enough to use such information are old enough to learn why protection is necessary.
- 2). Watch for credit card offers and catalogs sent in your child's name. Promptly call the company and find out why a minor is receiving such items.
- 3). Request a yearly report from one of the three credit bureaus: TransUnion, Experian or Equifax.
- 4). Secure your child's social security card and birth certificate in a firesafe lock box or safety deposit box.
- 5). Ask companies or organizations requesting your child's social security number why they need it, and find out who will be seeing the information. Seek alternative forms of identification when possible.
- 6). Educate other parents, teachers and organizations who work with children about the rise of this type of identity theft.