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 I have continued to read with amusement all reports and editorials and write-ups in the media about how Nigeria is on the brink and how it is a failed state and the continuous bombardment of government policies and their inability to deliver on promises and projects.

 I find this funny because Nigeria is a growing nation with diverse people, cultures and opinions with surmountable problems that are actually quite easily addressed, but we have not looked at ourselves as part of the solutions to these problems that we have in one way or the other caused.

 We are a nation of people that has not mastered individual development, how can we be looking for collective development or development of the whole?

 I came back from England to start up a business in Nigeria and it has been an uphill task but you can see that this country holds a lot of potential for its citizens, yes there are numerous issues that need to be addressed and eventually, it will be addressed but Nigerians, individually have to see that they are the ones causing the problems.

 It is easy to blame government institutions for their inadequacies and their shortcomings rather than look at ourselves individually and see that these problems are caused by Nigerians and not government institutions, we should look at our household units and see the same politicking, bribery, corruption, inability to meet targets, inability to satisfy a particular group and sometimes even though we might refuse to accept it, mismanagement.

 Government institutions in Nigeria are made up of people who deal with these issues we deal with in our households and sometimes don't have a clue on how to provide a solution to, on a national level, now you do the maths.

 I have always believed in this country and still do, and after several years in England, I now have a burning passion for the development of the whole, and why wouldn't I, the people are warm and friendly and kind, they always have a ready smile on their faces even though they face tremendous obstacles that will psychologically cripple any other citizen on the planet.

 I have come back to face the tremendous problems, power failure, bad roads, no water supply and being dragged or towed either by Lastma or the Police for traffic offences to various destinations that I can no longer count, I have witnessed the injustice, read about the kidnappings, heard about the spate of robberies and yet some of us can see that this nation will grow, how you may ask, the easiest place to go to when you are in darkness is towards the light.

 Why this article is so positive is that we are a nation filled with naive, adventurous, ignorant, arrogant, inquisitive and very stubborn people, sort of like children, and children will always grow, they will learn, they will make mistakes, they will correct these mistakes and learn from them, the best learners are children and that's why I love Nigeria so much, it is easy to see that a lot has to be taught, there has to be an influx of enlightening information aimed at developing the populace.

 Looking around you, it looks like there are no avenues for that influx, but look at the number of Nigerians coming back from the west to settle down in Nigeria and share their wealth of experience, look at the development of the media which is now global, look at the internet, which provides an open window to the planet, look at the truly genuine religious leaders, look at even some of our governors that are going against the norm and making remarkable achievements in their state.

I have seen remarkable development in this country in a short period of time; it is all around you and from my point of view, that development cannot be stopped by any group, individual or government institution, we are a great nation whose development might be slow to some people but will eventually come to pass and we are quite lucky because we have the western world to study so that we can avoid their mistakes and tap into their innovations.

 I love this country die, the people are amazing, they are beautiful, they are smart, intelligent and have a love for life that keeps your heart pumping and most of all they are willing to learn and need to learn. I totally agree with the minister on the great people, great nation campaign.

Folasele Akintemi

Managing Partner

Earthslink Communications

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