How to Be a Father Worth Looking Up to
It is especially difficult if you have divorced from the mother of your children and you are wondering how you can continue to be a good dad to your children. Well, in this case part of being a good dad will involve you paying your child support in good time. However, there are other things that you can go that will see you rank highly with your kids.
The one thing that children need most from their fathers is affection. Your children need to feel that they are loved and wanted. You have to communicate this to them as a father. You do not have to be given lessons on how to be a dad to understand that words such as I love you mean a lot when coming from a dad. If you have a hard time saying the words, and you shouldnt, find nonverbal ways to express your love towards your children or your child.
Besides being there for your child, another mark of a good father is sheltering your kid against unnecessary trauma. If you are going through a divorce, or are already divorced, your child doesnt need to be caught in the middle of the drama. It is inevitable that your child will be part of the divorce, but if you involve an agency such as child support interactive you can lessen the trauma. How, you ask?
For example, if you and the mother of your child are involved in a custody battle, you need to be aware of your rights as a parent. Child support interactive provides you with the information you need to make the right decisions. They will also do their best to ensure that your child is treated appropriately during the period of the divorce. Once you have fully acknowledged the possible effects of divorce on your child, you might want to involve child support interactive to make sure no unnecessary damage is caused.
You might think that now that you are a divorced father you have failed as a parent. That is not true. Just because your marriage did not work doesnt mean you have also failed as a father. How to be a father is not a chapter in the book of how to be a husband. They are different books. You have the chance to redeem yourself, by being there for your child, during the good times and the bad. When they pass their tests at school and even when they fail. It is the little things that make fatherhood worthwhile. And when you feel ready, you can even write a book on how to be a father as a gift to other nervous first time fathers.