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Updated April 28, 2015.
Lateral is an anatomical, directional and regional term that means side, or pertaining to the side. It is often used to express a location or movement that is away from the imaginary midline of the body. The imaginary midline of the body is equivalent to line of gravity or plumb line, which divides the body into left and right halves.
Related: Center of Gravity
You might use the word lateral when describing a movement in which you tilt your head or your trunk to one side.
You might also use this word to describe an anatomical area such as the lateral
Examples: The term lateral is the opposite to the term medial.
Updated April 28, 2015.
Lateral is an anatomical, directional and regional term that means side, or pertaining to the side. It is often used to express a location or movement that is away from the imaginary midline of the body. The imaginary midline of the body is equivalent to line of gravity or plumb line, which divides the body into left and right halves.
Related: Center of Gravity
You might use the word lateral when describing a movement in which you tilt your head or your trunk to one side.
You might also use this word to describe an anatomical area such as the lateral
Examples: The term lateral is the opposite to the term medial.