The Secret of Photographing Sculpture For the Web
I know..
you see all those photos of sculptures in a magazine that look a million dollars.
And you look in ore.
How did they achieve such a photograph of that sculpture.
Well your not the only one.
I've been looking at these photos for years.
In magazines, through to calendars.
And think "WOW! that's really nice".
Some are exceptional.
I have seen some really nice photography work in magazines of Franklin Mint..
And the sculpture almost looks as though its going to jump out at you.
Now that's almost a sale.
Don't you think.
So how do we compete with these photos, which I may add, have probably taken many pretty pennies from the owners wallet to have taken.
Bringing in a professional photographer, with all his equipment...
lights, etc..
To get that million dollar photo.
And of course probably a run of photos to get that one that just looks right.
Your Advertising Photo Trained professionals are the ones that have taken the photos that we all wish we could do ourselves.
In fact, I have hired a professional photographer in the past to take photos of my sculptures for advertising reasons myself in the past.
Photos are a way of us being able to show off our sculptures to the outside world.
Its allot easier than hauling around your sculpture everywhere you go.
Specially if its bronze, now there heavy.
I should know..
much of my work was finished in hot cast bronze.
The photo is our advertisement, it gives the onlooker a chance to view your sculpture in picture form.
Its easy! you can take your photos wherever you go, advertise your work.
The internet has made business and advertising another way of life for us these days.
And it not going away.
Artists have embraced it; as with most businesses.
In fact, the web is more eye catching if you see a picture.
It breaks the monotony of the printed word.
And adds color to the web.
It would not be the same, or as popular without photos to the public.
So how do we get our sculptures out there on the net, to capture potential buyers interest without paying bags of gold to have a photographer come and take our photos for us? We do it ourselves.
We have been released these days, with the invention of the digital camera.
And with their technology; we can immediately see what we have just taken.
Not having to wait for the return for your photos (which used to take a couple of days to come back) to see if any of your photos are good enough.
So lets see, the dos-and-dont's to getting that right photo.
Secrets of Angles Yes its all in the angles..
are you scratching your head now.
Because we are dealing with art that is three dimensional.
they say that.
But really sculpture in a thousand dimensions.
So just taking a photo, like you would.
with a painting or drawing.
Certain rules apply.
And its far more difficult with sculpture.
So what is sculpture, or should I say what makes up sculpture.
Lights and shadows.
That's right.
The surfaces of sculpture has high and low planes to it.
This play of surfaces can make the sculpture more interesting ,or display a mood.
And when you put it all together..
it is this that will make your photo.
I have been through the trials and tribulations of what makes a good photo; when taking sculptures.
And have learnt through the many failed photos that used to be thrown away (in the past).
Now (fortunately) only being wiped of the digital memory bank.
Less expensive this way..
It might not seem so, though every sculpture has an angle to it that makes the best photo.
There is only one or two angles that will bring the best out of your photo.
The secret is, finding them.
And you don't necessarily have to do this by taking lots of photos.
Find a fairly well lit space and put your sculpture there.
Then stand back and have a look at it.
Then I want you to walk slowly around your sculpture.
Or keep turning your sculpture, bit by bit.
You need to be at eyes level with your sculpture to get the best results.
One tip is if you make a frame with your fingers and look through it, also helps to narrow down your vision to concentrate on the sculpture in front of you.
Keep turning the sculpture till you find the best angle.
Then take some photos.
These will be your major photos.
Then just take other photos at different angles.
And don't take these photos in strong light.
As it makes the sculpture seem too harsh.
As we usually need a front photo and back photo of a sculpture - we are forced into taking different angles that might not come up to the ultimate angle photograph.
But there is one best angle in every sculpture, you can bet on that.
Finding it will put you above the rest of non-professional photographers.
And a winner.
Also never take the sculpture from a height, as I find that it seems to distort the sculpture in the photograph in some ways.
From a height, it will seem stunted.
And there are just some angles that make your sculpture seem proportionally wrong.
But its not.
The photo can tell lies sometimes.
So be careful of this.
And remember never to take that angle again.
Or let some other photographer do so either.
As its your sculpture that will be on the line out there in the public eye.
And you want it to be the best.
Photos that need a little help With the coming of photo software out on the shelves these days.
You can do allot to make your photo that more professional.
I use different software, like Photoshop and Painter.
So you don't have to worry about all these fixtures that you needed once for your camera.
Like filters and long telescopic lenses.
You can do all this from your computer.
Digital cameras come with bigger pixel memories these days.
So even if you don't take a sculpture close up.
You will be amazed at just how close up you can get your sculpture on computer.
You can change different color toned filters.
And this will also bring out different overall tones to you sculpture.
With this process, you can end up with an array of different photo effects with just one original photo.
And the great thing that I have also found is.
That when I took photos of my sculptures, they almost always left a shadow behind them.
Now this would not happen if the light was directly above the sculpture.
That's where professional photographers use lighting - to counteract this.
This was always a problem, so shadows would take away some of the crispness of your sculptures edge.
With software on your computer, you can take away these pesky shadows.
Without having to worry too much when actually taking the photos at the time.
Though I would advise you, if you can try to take your photos the best you can without too much shadow.
As it will be less work to edit later, and save you time.
I don't think that we thought that taking photos like the professionals was in our grasp without taking a photographic course.
And having to go out and buy all the accessories for photography.
And all those times when the photo that you though might be a good one.
Didn't come out like you thought.
Photography of sculpture is not the easiest of things to do.
And the taking of art was wildly thought as a difficult feat within itself.
Now we can; as artists, or any other person looking to put art sculptures onto the web for more exposure can do it for themselves.
I've had my frustrations in trying to take good photographs of my sculptures.
Taking photography is not just point the camera and shoot.
But of respect for its own value as an art form.
And through trial and error I have learn t what can it can be done, and what just what doesn't work You too can find that confidence to go out and take you own photos of your work.
And with some of my pointers in taking those all important photos that will win your own audience on the net.
You now your sculptures best, and who else better to take a photo of your work than yourself.
Sculpture tells a story, and getting a glimpse it into that photo.
Conveys to your audience on the net, the importance of your work.