Turquoise Jewelry the Traditional and Beautiful
Although Robin's Egg Blue is synonymous with turquoise, it is also available in other colors. Sometimes you find the darkest marks on the turquoise. This is the matrix or rock in which the lagoon was formed. The hardness of turquoise depends on how near the surface of the earth, it is. Turquoise is too soft and porous must be treated before being used. An epoxy resin is infused into the pores of the turquoise stone to stabilize and make it suitable for use in jewelry.
Most turquoise jewelry items that are available these days are also treated. Ensure that the quality of turquoise stone is high, with a density of about 2.8. The stone must have its own brightness and a matrix structure enjoyable. Occasionally other minerals such as chyrocolla are used to replicate turquoise. Turquoise jewelry is made from reconstituted small fragments of plastic resin and dyes are added.
Native American Turquoise jewelryÂ
Native American jewelry uses widely turquoise stones. Since 200 BC, turquoise has been mounted for silver jewelry. A goldsmith of Mexico is credited with introducing the use of turquoise and silver jewelry to the United States. Turquoise jewelry is said to have many impressive properties.
It is considered to uphold good luck. Native American legend, turquoise has met the spirit of the sea and sky to bless the warriors and hunters. Turquoise was considered to warn the danger or illness by changing color. It is estimated that the spirit and relax the mind to relieve tensions, calm the emotions and relieve stress. Another belief is that fading stone indicates a lover of faithlessness or friend of disaffection.
Most Native American jewelry is money. There are many takers for necklaces, turquoise Chokers, bracelets and pendants made by the Navajo, Hopi, Zuni and Cherokee artists. Handmade turquoise jewelry shaped on the Native American style often includes the matrix. Silver turquoise belt buckles and bracelets are worn in parts of Southwest U.S.
Care for native turquoise jewelry
Persons with turquoise jewelry must stay away from contact with soap and grease and unkind chemicals since this gem is softer than others. Storage turquoise jewelry with other precious stones May difficult because of scratches against it. Disclosure to high heat or perfumes and oils can have an effect on the turquoise stones. Use warm sudsy water to dirt free your turquoise jewelry and wipe it dry with a soft cloth.