The Future of Private Space Flight and Some Concerns With Sensitive Technology Discussed
It was a highly successful program, and it had delivered over three decades with an incredible safety record, much better than was anticipated.
Yes we lost a couple of our space shuttles in the process, but overall they did pretty well.
NASA should be commended.
Nevertheless, we are in a new era, and it appears that Space X has already received a contract for the first private space launch and flight to the international space station.
More or less, this is a practice run, but it is a good sign for the future.
Not long ago, I was talking to an acquaintance and he had asked me; what are your thoughts on the future of private space flight? Personally, I'm all in.
Sounds great to me, of course I am worried about that technology being used by rogue nation-states to further develop ICBM technologies, not that they can't buy such hardware from China, but it is a problematic challenge in a less than peaceful world in the present period.
My acquaintance was worried about space technology espionage, which is a concern of his.
He also was not too comfortable with the talk about canceling the International Space Station by the Obama Administration, and wasn't too keen on the cancellation of the space shuttle program.
Indeed, I find the talk about the ISS cancellation problematic, and not so sure I wish to rely on the Russians, that's just too big of an international political bargaining chip, especially as they work their way into NATO, while supporting any and all enemies of the US on the other side of the fence; i.
Cuba, Syria, Venezuela, Iran, Libya, Bolivia - ah hell, that list is too long for a single article anyway.
I think we can do better than the Space Shuttle, we have better technologies now of course.
The 2013 predictions as we approach the height of the solar maximum are problematic from a communications standpoint and protecting orbiting assets, along with the space debris and space junk challenges to the space station, this one or any others in the future.
We ought to have a base station on Mars, and colony on the moon by now and space hotels too, perhaps at LaGrange Points.
We have all the technology, but it appears we lack the will.
I tell you socialism is a real problem in this county, it will destroy this great nation if we let it.
There was an interesting article recently in the Daily Caller on August 13 titled; "Experts Worry Astronauts will Leave NASA with End of Shuttle Program," written by Chelsea Whyte.
The article stated; "NASA is at a crossroads.
The agency faces nearly a decade without the launch of American rockets, leaving some to question whether the United States will lose its astronaut corps and its place as a leader in space.
"I firmly believe if we lose this talent, it won't be to another state or industry, but to another country," and "Logically, I understand that it's time to retire the Space Shuttle and move on to something else, the frustrating thing is that there doesn't seem to really be a plan that's specific in the details for that something.
" Yes, it does appear that NASA is at a crossroads, I just hope this time we make a good decision, it's time that we move the ball forward with space exploration because we are the United States of America, and we must explore, innovate, invent, and develop our future.
We are not a weak society, or a weak civilization, and we must propel mankind; because if we do not take a leadership role, who on this earth will? Indeed, I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.
And if you'd like to discuss it with me further, you may shoot me an e-mail.