Hair Loss Symptoms - Causes and Cures
For the many guys who are suffering from hair loss and are beginning to go bald, they desperately want to know why this happening and is there a cure.
Can something be done for these men? The first treatment that always comes to mind is Drugs.
They seem to be every ones choice.
Of course drugs always come with side effects and a big expense.
The one negative is that right now there is no ideal drug on the market.
That is not to say that there are no drugs being used at the moment to treat hair loss.
The most common ones being used were invented for treating other problems like blood pressure and enlarges prostate.
While prescribing these drugs for those purposes they also noticed they had a profound effect on reversing baldness.
The one small problem with these drugs is that they also come with some pretty nasty side effects, such as male breast development and erectile dysfunction to name a few.
Another hair loss option that has been used for a while is Surgery.
The most common of these is called the follicular transplant.
Parts of hair follicles are taken from the back and side of your head and then are transplanted to where the hair is receding.
With mainly positive results for this procedure, it comes with a very big price tag that puts it out of reach for many men.
Some of the tried and true ways to prevent hair loss are natural methods.
This is usually a good way to go because of the little expense involved and not having any side effects.
One such natural pill that can be bought anywhere is saw palmetto.
It is used to inhibit DHT which kills the nutrients in the hair follicles.
You can use any number of natural herbs that, improve the blood flow to the scalp which helps the nutrients reach the hair follicles.
When applied to the scalp the help to grown hairs hack thicker and fuller.
What causes Baldness? Each human hair grows for 2 to 6 years.
Then it will fall out and a new hair will start growing in its place.
Usually about 80-85% of your hair is in the growing phase while the remaining hair is not.
Individual hairs sit in what is called a follicle.
For many men baldness will start to occur when the hair follicle begins to shrink, and the hair becomes shorter and finer.
Usually, hair will grow back.
What are some of the symptoms of baldness? The common male pattern baldness is the hair recedes in an "M" shape.
Often hair will also thin at the crown on top of your head.
When that happens you will notice the hair will become finer, shorter and thinner.
If you wake up in the morning and notice a large amount of hair on your pillow or sheets that is also a symptom of hair loss.
When you are in the sun you should always protect your head.
Just not from skin cancer but also from preventing your scalp for getting sunburned, which can damage your hair? There is good news.
Hair loss does not have to be permanent.
There a few ways that you can naturally restore your hair.
Did you ever hear the old wise tale of brushing your hair with 100 strokes? Maybe you do not need 100 strokes, but brushing your hair can clean your hair follicles from being clogged with dirt.
Get yourself a good hair brush and drag it through your hair to get rid of any dirt build up that can clog your hair follicles.
This lets your hair produce new healthy hair.
Also many men part their hair the same way all the time.
This is not good for your hair.
You can lose more hair by keeping the same part.
Try and change it up.
Last but not least try and keep a healthy diet.
It is true, the more fruit and vegetables you consume the better your whole body feels including your hair.
Can something be done for these men? The first treatment that always comes to mind is Drugs.
They seem to be every ones choice.
Of course drugs always come with side effects and a big expense.
The one negative is that right now there is no ideal drug on the market.
That is not to say that there are no drugs being used at the moment to treat hair loss.
The most common ones being used were invented for treating other problems like blood pressure and enlarges prostate.
While prescribing these drugs for those purposes they also noticed they had a profound effect on reversing baldness.
The one small problem with these drugs is that they also come with some pretty nasty side effects, such as male breast development and erectile dysfunction to name a few.
Another hair loss option that has been used for a while is Surgery.
The most common of these is called the follicular transplant.
Parts of hair follicles are taken from the back and side of your head and then are transplanted to where the hair is receding.
With mainly positive results for this procedure, it comes with a very big price tag that puts it out of reach for many men.
Some of the tried and true ways to prevent hair loss are natural methods.
This is usually a good way to go because of the little expense involved and not having any side effects.
One such natural pill that can be bought anywhere is saw palmetto.
It is used to inhibit DHT which kills the nutrients in the hair follicles.
You can use any number of natural herbs that, improve the blood flow to the scalp which helps the nutrients reach the hair follicles.
When applied to the scalp the help to grown hairs hack thicker and fuller.
What causes Baldness? Each human hair grows for 2 to 6 years.
Then it will fall out and a new hair will start growing in its place.
Usually about 80-85% of your hair is in the growing phase while the remaining hair is not.
Individual hairs sit in what is called a follicle.
For many men baldness will start to occur when the hair follicle begins to shrink, and the hair becomes shorter and finer.
Usually, hair will grow back.
What are some of the symptoms of baldness? The common male pattern baldness is the hair recedes in an "M" shape.
Often hair will also thin at the crown on top of your head.
When that happens you will notice the hair will become finer, shorter and thinner.
If you wake up in the morning and notice a large amount of hair on your pillow or sheets that is also a symptom of hair loss.
When you are in the sun you should always protect your head.
Just not from skin cancer but also from preventing your scalp for getting sunburned, which can damage your hair? There is good news.
Hair loss does not have to be permanent.
There a few ways that you can naturally restore your hair.
Did you ever hear the old wise tale of brushing your hair with 100 strokes? Maybe you do not need 100 strokes, but brushing your hair can clean your hair follicles from being clogged with dirt.
Get yourself a good hair brush and drag it through your hair to get rid of any dirt build up that can clog your hair follicles.
This lets your hair produce new healthy hair.
Also many men part their hair the same way all the time.
This is not good for your hair.
You can lose more hair by keeping the same part.
Try and change it up.
Last but not least try and keep a healthy diet.
It is true, the more fruit and vegetables you consume the better your whole body feels including your hair.