Tips to Make Extra Cash
- If you need to make some extra change, think about what you like to do the money money image by Arman Zhenikeyev from
Finding that you don't have enough money to purchase the items that you need or want can be a frustrating experience. Instead of getting frustrated, get creative with ideas for making money. Look around you--between the items that you own and the skills that you have, there are opportunities to make some extra cash. - Hosting your own yard sale has several advantages over listing items on eBay or purchasing a table at a local yard sale. You don't have to pay listing fees when operating your own yard sale, or rent for a table. The time that you run your yard sale is up to you. If someone mentions they are looking for an item and you have it in your house, you can run in and get it. Without the overhead of additional fees, you have more room to negotiate prices. Selling an item you no longer need, even at a low price, gets you some money and clears out space in your house.
- Purchase items that you think others are selling below the current market value. You can then sell those items yourself. Keep an eye out for moving sales, where the seller can't transport items to a new home. This gives you the opportunity to negotiate a low sales price and then sell the items yourself for a profit.
- Make money off of the things that you do best. If you love being outside and mowing lawns, advertise that service. Another option would be to create websites for others for a small fee. If you live near a community of elderly individuals who have trouble getting out of their homes, offer to do activities such as grocery shopping for them for a fee. Another option is to wash cars. Ask a local business if you can host a car wash in their parking lot. You can charge a fee for washing cars and the business might get additional business from your customers while you wash their cars.
- Consumer focus groups offer money, items or gift cards in exchange for providing feedback. These consumer focus groups might ask for your feedback on what you look for when shopping. Sampling goods or food items is another activity that consumer groups offer. Not only do you get paid for your time, but you might get to keep the items you are testing for the company.