Absolutely Psychic Network - Knight Of Wands In Tarot
The focus is on crossroads in life concerning living quarters, business arrangements, partnerships, love affairs, important documents, and impending decisions. There will be stress and difficulty, but eventual success. You want to set things straight in your mind or affairs or to settle an issue once and for all. You will be successful in navigating the straits in difficult business matters or financial negotiations and/or suddenly coming into love or money through the affections of a generous admirer. Your heartfelt desires are going to be met through the entry of a kindred spirit (one you've met or feel you've met before) with whom you will establish a deep rapport and a mutual feeling of affinity, passion, and trust. Something concerning your business or career will be provided BEFORE the desire is expressed, and you will be very surprised. After a period of tension caused by many difficulties or disappointments, someone will enter the picture that will change things for the better. You will go on a short trip or jaunt and will be thinking about moving to a new home or living with someone. You will soon be missing a family member or a friend who is going on a trip, and/or someone will unexpectedly call or come to call, or you will take a short trip or rendezvous with a lover or admirer. You will go over documents or contracts with a "fine-tooth comb," and your intuition or inner guidance will tell you everything you need to know. You will have to deal with very unpleasant people or circumstances in your work or career and will feel that you are wasting your time and effort, but eventually the energy will blow off and tensions will vanish.
You're going to be spending time with one who will awaken your romantic heart and inspire thoughts of love or marriage, and the depth of your feelings for that person will astonish you. You will experience stress caused by obstacles and uncomfortable situations and will have a compulsion to set things straight or fix what's wrong -- eventually you will. Pleasure will come through new vibrations and a change in your lifestyle, home environment, or attitude toward another. Listen to your intuition, dreams, or psychic impressions. They are right and will prove to be accurate. You could also have prophetic dreams. Things will not go as anticipated with friends, loved ones, or relatives due to a very unusual or uncomfortable occurrence. There may also be an unexpected illness. You will experience a lack of energy (could be due to emotional tensions) and will be subject to clumsiness or small accidents. If you are planning a trip to the dentist, you will not like the results. A payment is going to be late or will not arrive at all, which will really aggravate you, but money will come in from a new undertaking or different source. After a period of tension or frustration, things will begin to improve greatly. Success WILL come, after difficulty. You will experience embarrassment or be extremely self-conscious around your friends or loved ones due to an uncomfortable get-together or faux pas. And someone in your circle of friends could have a drug or drinking problem. A lunch or dinner invitation is coming your way, or a sweetheart will invite you to his or her home. Letters or documents will need special attention. Re-write, revamp, or review them, because you could find out something to your benefit. You will be worried about your finances or will have reservations about another because of financial considerations and will be aggravated by situations that are not right or are out of sync. You will be unhappy about your business or finances in general and about people in business who give you the run around or don't come through in the end. Problems, tensions, or difficulties related to financial settlements, contracts, or partnerships will be resolved on a positive note. A lover will call and a sweetheart will arrive, or you will be pursued by many admirers.
Don't try to assess situations and effect solutions in advance. The time will come when you'll know what is true or what to do and, if you wait for that moment, you'll leave an opening for the Universe to step in and solve things for you. You will "inherit" financial increase and a release from tension. Those that you wish to call or arrive will, and if you were secretly hoping someone will not arrive, you will get your wish. You will be thankful that you were given intuitive insights and/or answers to your prayers, that you have resolved certain problems concerning business, health, or money, and that a heartfelt desire was met. Nothing will seem to jibe, and your attempts to straighten out your affairs will feel like an exercise in futility. But don't let it defeat you because you're very close to reaching your goals. You will have luck in overcoming obstacles or difficulities, and if the card that fell in the Romance category is auspicious, you will also be fortunate in matters of the heart. In the end, tensions will vanish, things will be righted, and issues will be settled or resolved in your favor.
You're going to be spending time with one who will awaken your romantic heart and inspire thoughts of love or marriage, and the depth of your feelings for that person will astonish you. You will experience stress caused by obstacles and uncomfortable situations and will have a compulsion to set things straight or fix what's wrong -- eventually you will. Pleasure will come through new vibrations and a change in your lifestyle, home environment, or attitude toward another. Listen to your intuition, dreams, or psychic impressions. They are right and will prove to be accurate. You could also have prophetic dreams. Things will not go as anticipated with friends, loved ones, or relatives due to a very unusual or uncomfortable occurrence. There may also be an unexpected illness. You will experience a lack of energy (could be due to emotional tensions) and will be subject to clumsiness or small accidents. If you are planning a trip to the dentist, you will not like the results. A payment is going to be late or will not arrive at all, which will really aggravate you, but money will come in from a new undertaking or different source. After a period of tension or frustration, things will begin to improve greatly. Success WILL come, after difficulty. You will experience embarrassment or be extremely self-conscious around your friends or loved ones due to an uncomfortable get-together or faux pas. And someone in your circle of friends could have a drug or drinking problem. A lunch or dinner invitation is coming your way, or a sweetheart will invite you to his or her home. Letters or documents will need special attention. Re-write, revamp, or review them, because you could find out something to your benefit. You will be worried about your finances or will have reservations about another because of financial considerations and will be aggravated by situations that are not right or are out of sync. You will be unhappy about your business or finances in general and about people in business who give you the run around or don't come through in the end. Problems, tensions, or difficulties related to financial settlements, contracts, or partnerships will be resolved on a positive note. A lover will call and a sweetheart will arrive, or you will be pursued by many admirers.
Don't try to assess situations and effect solutions in advance. The time will come when you'll know what is true or what to do and, if you wait for that moment, you'll leave an opening for the Universe to step in and solve things for you. You will "inherit" financial increase and a release from tension. Those that you wish to call or arrive will, and if you were secretly hoping someone will not arrive, you will get your wish. You will be thankful that you were given intuitive insights and/or answers to your prayers, that you have resolved certain problems concerning business, health, or money, and that a heartfelt desire was met. Nothing will seem to jibe, and your attempts to straighten out your affairs will feel like an exercise in futility. But don't let it defeat you because you're very close to reaching your goals. You will have luck in overcoming obstacles or difficulities, and if the card that fell in the Romance category is auspicious, you will also be fortunate in matters of the heart. In the end, tensions will vanish, things will be righted, and issues will be settled or resolved in your favor.