What Are the Benefits of Going With a Debt Settlement Service?
With the economy in the shape it is in, this has been replaced with being debt free.
Of course, we now owe more than at any time in our history.
Credit card debt is breaking the backs of consumers.
The interest rates have soared, minimum payments more than doubled, and credit lines have been reduced.
There really is no advantage to owning a credit card any more, and people have become desperate to relieve themselves of this debt.
This is the point that a debt settlement service can help you.
With a credit card, paying the minimum payment on $1000.
00, it will take over ten years to pay it off.
The interest paid would be astronomical.
With a debt settlement company, this plus many more bills could be paid off in as little as 18 to 36 months.
You might ask how this works.
The company that you choose to work with will take your financial information.
They will reach an agreement with you about the terms, percentage rate, length of repayment term and monthly payment.
They will, upon your agreement to the terms contact each of your creditors.
They will negotiate a lower interest rate, smaller monthly payments and in many cases, be able to get your total debt decreased by 40 to 60 per cent.
They then may even offer you a consolidation so that you only have one payment rather than many payments.
The benefits of using one of these services are clear.
Your credit card debt will be more manageable.
You will know exactly when you will be out of debt.
You will have lower interest and monthly payments.
Calls from creditors will stop.
You will have just the one monthly payment to pay.
And, best of all, you will rid yourself of excess stress you may now suffer.