The Facts About Symptoms of Bladder Infection
- Symptoms of a bladder infection include pain in the lower abdomen and back, fever, chills and urinary urgency or frequency, sometimes with little or no urine passed.
These symptoms do not include incontinence or involuntary passing of urine.
Normal urine is a light yellow, clear and is sterile (no bacteria present).
Dark, bloody, foul smelling and/or cloudy urine is a symptom of infection. - One in five women will suffer from bladder infection in her life.
Approximately fifteen percent of men will suffer from infection in his life.
Symptoms of bladder infection are the second leading reason adults seek medical treatment.
Chronic symptoms of infection may indicate an under lying cause including but not limited to bladder cancer, kidney disease and diabetes. - The leading cause of these infections is E.
Coli is found in the digestive tract and can travel from the rectum to the urethra (urinary opening).
Once the E.
Coli enter the body, they can travel to the bladder and multiply.
Once established, E.
Coli bacteria can produce infection. - Infection of the Bladder is considered a urinary tract infection (UTI) and infection treatment and diagnosis is the same as a UTI.
Infection treatment includes antibiotic therapy to kill the bacteria in the bladder.
Untreated urinary tract infections or infection treatment that is ineffective (usually due to using the wrong antibiotic or not completing antibiotic therapy) can lead to a serious infection of the kidneys and bloodstream. - You can reduce you risk of developing symptoms of infection by lifestyle changes such as increasing fluids (avoid alcohol and caffeine beverages), emptying the bladder completely, and practicing good personal hygiene.
Cleaning your vagina by wiping from back to front can drag E.
Coli bacteria into the urinary tract.
Wiping from front to back can avoid this. - Being sexually active automatically increases your chance for symptoms of bladder infection.
You can reduce this risk by urinating before and after sexual intercourse.
Cotton underwear and loose clothing that allow moisture to dry and air to circulate in between the thighs can reduce the incidence infection. - Diabetics have a higher rate of developing infection due to the increased amount of sugar in the urine gives bacteria a better place to grow.
Diabetics may be more resistant to bladder infection treatment as well.
Infection of the Bladder in children or the elderly can become serious much more quickly than in adults and teens. - Perfumes, dyes, soaps, or any skin irritant can increase infection of the bladder.
If symptoms do not improve after a few days, you should consider medical treatment to avoid complications such as the infection spreading to other parts of the body.
When in doubt about symptoms of infection of the bladder or bladder infection treatment you should seek medical consultation.