Aged Care Support to Bedridden Patients!

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The condition and the problems of the patient
Bedridden patients need to be cared every time. Bedridden is the condition of the patient who is not able to move due to various diseases or injury. There are many problems arisingdue to this state from which they are suffering.Gradually theyseparate from the social life also and many go in depression. Along with that so many times they get abused by others in physical or verbal way.They face loneliness and need emotional support but they are not able to get this. There is also an absence of social security. The guaranteed along with sufficient income is very necessary for a great support. The other necessity is the proper way of living or the systematic way to maintain the daily routine.
A great care of the patient
The bedridden patient should be cared in a perfect way and for this purpose care home in Gujarat takes an initiativeto maintain everything in a proper manner. Some of the services are as follows -

  • They take care of the daily routine of the patient.

  • Every staff members behave in a friendly manner with the patient so that the patient can easily communicate with them.

  • The patients are cared every time means how they sleep or the posture of the body is correct or not.

  • The slow movement, exercise and communication all these are done here to improve them. The proper medical check up along with the treatment is given to them to enhance their ability.

  • The most important thing is the emotional support which is givenby every staff memberto the patient.

  • Other than these the outdoor visits like, relative visit, exercise, daily prayer are also provided to them.

The monthly care charges in which the nursing care, room charges along with the personal care like food, laundry services are included and hence in this the monthly charge is 23000INR. The monthly rehabilitation charge for which the duration is 100hours/month is 4000 INR. Other than that the additional charges for other services are sent to the family.
The need of the center
Whenever an elder patient is suffering from post surgery, diet problems, physiotherapy etc. they are sentto thecenter as the staff members have an excellent knowledge about the patients. Other than that they also have experience to provide great care to the patients according to their needs. In the center the patients get quality medical support. Proper&nutrtious food is also provided to them.They maintain their daily routine with proper food and daily activities. All these facilities canâEUR(TM)t be given at home hence the center is the best place for them.
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