Recharge Yourself And Manage Caregiver Stress With These Simple Tips
In a recent study, it was found that one in three caregivers suffered from high levels of stress while another 50% claimed they could not find enough time to spend with their family. While caring for others is important, avoiding caregiver stress is also a must at all costs. After all, who will care for the caregiver if you go down with burnout?
Here are some simple tips to help you overcome this issue of caregiver stress and ensure that you stay fit enough to go about all your caregiving duties in the right manner.
Your physical needs are more important than anything else
Make sure that you are having nutritious meals daily. Do not fall prey to such stress-driven urges as sweets or overindulge yourself in alcohol. Try to get sufficient amount of sleep- if you find it difficult to sleep during the night, get your daily dose of rest during the day. Have regular medical checkups scheduled for yourself. Put aside some time during which to exercise, even if that means asking someone else to help out with your caregiving duties. If you feel depressed under any circumstance whatsoever- thoughts of death, hopelessness, apathy, issues with concentration, extreme sadness- seek help from a medical professional.
Be social and stay connected with your friends
Isolation is one of the biggest contributing factors to stress. See to it that you get together regularly with your relatives and friends. This will be a good way of keeping your negative emotions at bay.
Ask for help whenever you feel like it
List out all the things that you are required to do and seek help of other people to lend a hand. Friends and faraway relatives can often pitch in and help to manage a number of tasks.
Find time in which to relax
By doing things that you enjoy such as listening to music, walking, or reading, you can actually recharge your batteries. Some caregivers choose to meditate or use simple techniques of relaxation such as visualizing appositive places or deep breathing in order to do away with their caregivers stress. As a religious person, you may find prayer to be a powerful tool for relaxation.
Organize yourself, get things in order
Simple tools such as to-do lists and calendars are effective means of helping you prioritize your responsibilities. Tackle the most important tasks first and do not feel worried if you find it difficult to manage everything.
While caregiving is undoubtedly a task that involves taking on great responsibilities, it is important that you as the caregiver do not lose track of your own physical, mental and emotional well-being under any circumstances whatsoever.