Reversing Diabetes Naturally - A High Fiber Diet Helps
All of us can benefit from a high fiber diet-not just those folks with diabetes.
So what is dietary fiber? Fiber is the part of many plants, nuts and seeds that is not digested by the body.
Fiber passes through the stomach, small intestines and the colon and it does not contribute any fats, proteins or carbohydrates.
Dietary fiber is not loaded with vitamins and minerals-so what good is it? Here's what the world-famous Mayo Clinic has to say, Dietary fiber - found mainly in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes - is probably best known for its ability to prevent or relieve constipation.
But fiber can provide other health benefits as well, such as lowering your risk of diabetes and heart disease.
Plant fiber comes in two flavors: Soluble: Fiber that dissolves in water.
It helps to lower cholesterol and glucose (sugar) levels.
It can be found in peas, beans, carrots, oats, apples, oranges, and barley.
Insoluble: Fiber that enables movement of food through your digestive system and benefits those struggling with constipation.
Good sources of insoluble fiber are wheat bran, whole wheat, some nuts and many vegetables are good sources of insoluble fiber.
The amount of each type of fiber varies in different plant foods.
To receive the greatest, overall health benefit, you are challenged to eat a wide variety of fiber-rich foods.
Some benefits of a high-fiber diet: • Lowing "bad" cholesterol levels in the blood stream.
The soluble fiber found in beans, oats, flaxseed and oat bran may help reduce serum cholesterol levels by lowering triglyceride levels.
Studies have shown that when you increase fiber consumption in your diet you can reduce hypertension (high blood pressure) and inflammation of the blood vessels, which of course helps to promote a healthy heart.
• Soluble fiber can actually slow the body's absorption of sugar, thus helping control blood sugar levels, which for those people diagnosed with diabetes, will bring down blood sugar levels.
Some researchers indicate that a diet including insoluble fiber is known to reduce the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.
Since some research indicates the possibility of genetic influences for becoming diabetic, those people with a family history of diabetes are best advised to take every precautionary step possible to prevent diabetes from even getting started.
• Adopting a high fiber diet is a method many overweight people use as an aid to weight loss.
High fiber foods usually are more difficult and time-consuming to chew, and this effect relieves hunger pangs-in other words-high fiber foods gives you a full feeling for a longer time.
And most high fiber foods contain a lower level of calories since they contain a much lower energy-source.
It's taking some time for the medical community to accept the fact that the so-called Western Diet is the cause of many of our health problems.
But more and more healthcare providers are beginning to get the message.
Doctors who are more concerned with healing diabetics-rather than just treating them-are beginning to suggest both additional fiber and an alkaline diet.
So what is dietary fiber? Fiber is the part of many plants, nuts and seeds that is not digested by the body.
Fiber passes through the stomach, small intestines and the colon and it does not contribute any fats, proteins or carbohydrates.
Dietary fiber is not loaded with vitamins and minerals-so what good is it? Here's what the world-famous Mayo Clinic has to say, Dietary fiber - found mainly in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes - is probably best known for its ability to prevent or relieve constipation.
But fiber can provide other health benefits as well, such as lowering your risk of diabetes and heart disease.
Plant fiber comes in two flavors: Soluble: Fiber that dissolves in water.
It helps to lower cholesterol and glucose (sugar) levels.
It can be found in peas, beans, carrots, oats, apples, oranges, and barley.
Insoluble: Fiber that enables movement of food through your digestive system and benefits those struggling with constipation.
Good sources of insoluble fiber are wheat bran, whole wheat, some nuts and many vegetables are good sources of insoluble fiber.
The amount of each type of fiber varies in different plant foods.
To receive the greatest, overall health benefit, you are challenged to eat a wide variety of fiber-rich foods.
Some benefits of a high-fiber diet: • Lowing "bad" cholesterol levels in the blood stream.
The soluble fiber found in beans, oats, flaxseed and oat bran may help reduce serum cholesterol levels by lowering triglyceride levels.
Studies have shown that when you increase fiber consumption in your diet you can reduce hypertension (high blood pressure) and inflammation of the blood vessels, which of course helps to promote a healthy heart.
• Soluble fiber can actually slow the body's absorption of sugar, thus helping control blood sugar levels, which for those people diagnosed with diabetes, will bring down blood sugar levels.
Some researchers indicate that a diet including insoluble fiber is known to reduce the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.
Since some research indicates the possibility of genetic influences for becoming diabetic, those people with a family history of diabetes are best advised to take every precautionary step possible to prevent diabetes from even getting started.
• Adopting a high fiber diet is a method many overweight people use as an aid to weight loss.
High fiber foods usually are more difficult and time-consuming to chew, and this effect relieves hunger pangs-in other words-high fiber foods gives you a full feeling for a longer time.
And most high fiber foods contain a lower level of calories since they contain a much lower energy-source.
It's taking some time for the medical community to accept the fact that the so-called Western Diet is the cause of many of our health problems.
But more and more healthcare providers are beginning to get the message.
Doctors who are more concerned with healing diabetics-rather than just treating them-are beginning to suggest both additional fiber and an alkaline diet.