Can Home Remedies Help Cure Toenail Fungus? Find Solution Here
This is because of the carelessness in maintaining their feet in hygienic condition.
The toenail fungus has usually its onset in damp and wet environments.
Most of the people experience discomfort with infected nails while some of them have mild pain and other related symptoms.
Fortunately you have plenty of remedies that can be opted to suit your present condition of affected toenail.
Among them it is highly believed that home remedies can help you cure toenail fungus.
So, you can depend on home cure methods at your choice to cure your infected nail.
Choosing Vicks vapor Rub is wise as it is reliable to get rid of infected fungal nail if the condition of the nail is not too severe.
What you have to do is simply to get your feet soaked in vapor rub for about 20 to 30 minutes every day.
You will be surprised to notice a change in the previous ugly look of the toenail with fungal attack.
You have to continue the process until the infection starts to clear up.
In case the condition of the diseased nail is bad you have to choose different home treatment to cure infection.
Another method of treating infected nail is using old beer.
Beer is well known for its characteristics for fighting toenail fungus at any condition.
The method of using beer in the process of curing infected nail is similar to the method of using Vicks for fungal infection.
You ought to pour a beer in a big bowl and dip your feet so that your feet are soaked well for about 30 minutes at a time daily.
You have to continue this home treatment until the fungus is completely killed.
The time needed to cure nail fungus depends on the condition of the infection you have acquired.
The greatness of using beer for fungal toenail is its 'no side effect property'.
Still, there is no guarantee to kill nail fungus in specified time as anticipated by you.
Another home treatment to get rid of toenail fungus is with Hydrogen peroxide.
It is not a rare substance to go out for searching as you can get it easily from local grocery store or any drug store.
The same method of soaking your foot in a bowl with mixture of hydrogen peroxide in water is adopted.
The dilution can be fixed by you to your need and infection condition.