Laughter: Truly the Best Medicine
Even the grumpiest curmudgeon with the blackest heart finds something to laugh at now and then. Laughter is a natural bodily phenomenon. You may not laugh all the time, but when something truly strikes you as funny, it's hard to resist the physical urge to guffaw out loud. And you shouldn't anyway. Laughing is not only good for the soul, but also good for the body. If you don't believe that, go to websites like and find out when the next comedy show near you is scheduled. After a few big belly laughs, you'll realize that you've never felt better.
Laughter Is Good for You
The reason why they say "laughter is the best medicine" is because the act of laughing actually has measurable medicinal benefits! In the same way that good laugh can relieve tension and stress in the mental sense, it can also relieve bodily stress and even physical pain! A nice big belly laugh has been proven to relax the body for up to 45 minutes. When you laugh, it triggers the release of endorphins, which are neurotransmitters which send an opiate-like good feeling throughout the body. Depending on the length and severity of the laughter, you can give a pretty good workout to the facial muscles, the abdominal muscles, and even the muscles in your respiratory system. A lifetime of laughter can even help improve your immune system! Studies indicate that laughter promotes the production of immune cells and antibodies which fight infection. Laughter has been known to also facilitate the production of gamma-interferon and t-cells, which can help kill off certain diseases and tumors. Even the common cold has been shown to occur less frequency in people who laugh a lot. It all makes sense, of course. If it feels good to laugh, then wouldn't it make sense that laughing is good for you?
Finding a Laugh
In the age of improved telecommunications, people are often inundated in their Facebook or Twitter feeds with people trying to get a few laughs. Sometimes they are successful, sometimes they are not. The same goes for television and movies. People now have access to an almost inexhaustible supply of ironic wordplay, humorous repartee, and wacky situations, replete with laugh tracks to help you identify the jokes. Still, there are some people in the world who have a hard time finding a good reason to laugh. The most tried-and-true way to get your funny bone tickled is to visit a club near you for live comedy. When a performer is being truly hilarious right there in front of you, resisting the urge to laugh is almost impossible. You can visit websites like to find out what kind of chuckles await you and who will be bringing them. Between established comedic talents and local rising stars, you're bound to have some hearty, healthy laughs.
Laughter Is Good for You
The reason why they say "laughter is the best medicine" is because the act of laughing actually has measurable medicinal benefits! In the same way that good laugh can relieve tension and stress in the mental sense, it can also relieve bodily stress and even physical pain! A nice big belly laugh has been proven to relax the body for up to 45 minutes. When you laugh, it triggers the release of endorphins, which are neurotransmitters which send an opiate-like good feeling throughout the body. Depending on the length and severity of the laughter, you can give a pretty good workout to the facial muscles, the abdominal muscles, and even the muscles in your respiratory system. A lifetime of laughter can even help improve your immune system! Studies indicate that laughter promotes the production of immune cells and antibodies which fight infection. Laughter has been known to also facilitate the production of gamma-interferon and t-cells, which can help kill off certain diseases and tumors. Even the common cold has been shown to occur less frequency in people who laugh a lot. It all makes sense, of course. If it feels good to laugh, then wouldn't it make sense that laughing is good for you?
Finding a Laugh
In the age of improved telecommunications, people are often inundated in their Facebook or Twitter feeds with people trying to get a few laughs. Sometimes they are successful, sometimes they are not. The same goes for television and movies. People now have access to an almost inexhaustible supply of ironic wordplay, humorous repartee, and wacky situations, replete with laugh tracks to help you identify the jokes. Still, there are some people in the world who have a hard time finding a good reason to laugh. The most tried-and-true way to get your funny bone tickled is to visit a club near you for live comedy. When a performer is being truly hilarious right there in front of you, resisting the urge to laugh is almost impossible. You can visit websites like to find out what kind of chuckles await you and who will be bringing them. Between established comedic talents and local rising stars, you're bound to have some hearty, healthy laughs.