Five Points for Determining the Quality of a Canvas Painting
Canvas art can, after all, be expensive with absolutely no promises as far as how much the value will increase over the years.
Whether you are selecting canvas artwork for this purpose or in order to decorate your home effectively, there is one element of that you choose that you should always be sure of.
That is the quality.
Every piece of canvas art you invest in should be of the highest possible quality if you want it to stand the test of time in terms of its value and its longevity without degradation.
However, it is a fact that most people that like art but would not necessarily consider themselves to be experts do not know how to determine the quality of canvas paintings.
Guidelines on how to determine the quality of canvas paintings are not readily published everywhere, or even online, so there is no shame in not knowing but you should do a little research right now so you can figure out what to look for.
The following five points provide you with a great starting point in determining the quality of canvas paintings: •Consistency - The consistency of canvas paintings is incredibly important in determining which art is good art and which is bad art in terms of quality.
An artist should have taken his or her time over canvas art and so the styles and forms used should be consistent.
If an area of the painting breaks with the established style or looks to be a little sloppy (and you will be able to tell) then avoid it •Presentation - Believe it or not, you can judge the quality of canvas painting by the way they are framed.
If the art is tacked into a frame rather than stapled then it is of poor quality.
The frame should also be sturdy and undamaged if you are to deem canvas art as high quality.
•Compare - Although all canvas paintings cannot be Picassos or Monets, you can use paintings that you have experience with as a point of comparison.
All good quality canvas artwork will be immediately evident if you have viewed paintings by the greats.
You should set your standards high to make the most of your investment •Research - You should do a little research about numerous elements of the canvas artwork you are assessing.
If you can find information about the artist then that is fabulous but if not check out the styles and forms used in canvas paintings that are similar.
By having a knowledge base to work with you will find judging the quality of canvas art much easier.
•Preference - This bit is the easiest of all five points to examine.
Do you like it? Most people immediately shy away from poor quality canvas art automatically because they will not like how it looks aesthetically.
If you like something then the quality of canvas artwork will be good enough for you.
Stick to these five points for determining the quality of canvas paintings and you will not go far wrong! Canvas Paintings staff are online to provide advice, recommendations and answer any questions you have on our canvas art.