State Bar Secrecy Rooted in America"s Secret Societies

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"In politics," Franklin D.
Roosevelt once commented, "Nothing happens by accident.
If it happens, you can bet it was planned.
" These words of wisdom from one of America's most popular Presidents, are part of a fast growing body of knowledge which confirms that a few elite bankers secretly devised a plan by which they, and not our elected officials would govern, control and eventually seize our nation along with its freedoms, money and other resources.
In 1887, it was reported that John D.
Rockefeller, "sleeps eight and one-half hours every night, retiring at 10:30 and rising at 7.
Every morning he gets up he is $17,705 richer than he was when he went to bed.
He sits down to breakfast at 8 o'clock and leaves the table at 8:30, and in that short half hour his wealth has grown $1,041.
On Sunday he goes to church, and in the two hours he is away from home his riches have grown $4,166.
His nightly amusement is playing the violin.
Every evening when he picks up the instrument he is $50,000 richer than he was when he laid it down the previous night.
" I find nothing wrong with wealth, be it acquired by hard work, competition, heritage or even good luck.
And, I would much rather have intelligent and successful people running America than not.
What I don't like however are secret meetings, secret schemes and secret agendas which threaten the democratic principles on which our great nation was founded.
In The Creature From Jenkyll Island: A Second Look At The Federal Reserve System, Edward G.
Griffin documents how the descendants and business associates of Rockefeller and financier J.
Morgan devised a scheme to take America's fiscal and monetary policy out of the hands of Congress and seize it for their own selfish benefit.
This evil and unconstitutional plan, which would eventually lead to our present national financial crisis, is also detailed in two powerful documentaries which can be viewed for free online.
The Money Masters: How The International Bankers Gained Control Of America, traces the greed which drives our present money system back to Christ's chasing the moneychangers from the Temple.
Endgame: Blueprint For Global Enslavement is an even more dramatic account of this world-wide conspiracy which was produced by national radio personality Alex Jones.
Other online information, books and alternative media sources continue to make startling revelations about this New World Order movement.
For decades, the global elite have planned and carried out their agenda through three secret groups.
The Bilderbergs meet once a year to select world leaders, plan wars and set fiscal and other global policies.
Through its publications, education programs and other activities, The Council on Foreign Relations promotes America's global agenda.
The Trilateral Commission serves as an foreign economic planning group between Western Europe, North American and Japan.
For more than a quarter century, members of these three secret organizations have had their hands all over the Oval Office.
They have also usurped the constitutional authority of Congress and turned its members into spineless puppets who are afraid of their own shadows.
Jimmy Carter was hand-picked and groomed by David Rockefeller, who co-founded The Trilateral Commission with Zbigniew Brzeziniski.
From Brezeniniski who singlehandedly ran Carter's foreign policy, to Richard Cooper, undersecretary of state for economic affairs, the Carter White House was packed with Trilateralists.
After Bill Clinton's 1991 meeting with The Bildebergs, this unknown Southern Governor, like Carter, also won the White House.
One would suspect a patriotic self-thinker like Ronald Reagan would not have been influenced by men with a demonstrably unconstitutional view of America, but history reveals otherwise.
It was assumed that former President Gerald Ford and the popular Reagan would make the ultimate dream team candidates, even up to the time of the 1980 GOP Convention.
But at the last moment, and for reasons never fully explained or understood, Reagan flip-flopped and chose George Bush, Sr.
as his running mate.
Reagan not only had expressed a clear dislike for Bush and his elite cronies, he vowed the quintessential globalist would never serve in his administration.
Bush, a man who makes no apologies for his affiliation or New World Order views has been quoted as saying that, "If the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts.
" By the turn of the century, it was clear the global elites were not after money - they had more than they needed.
Theirs was an even more valuable prize - the nation's civil rights.
And where to better lay the ground work for their demise than America's state bar associations.
George W.
Bush's attack on civil rights through oppressive legislation like the Patriot Act has been the subject of books, articles and websites by civil rights experts.
Yet it was actually during Ronald Reagan's first term that the plan to dismantle them was set in motion.
On November 20, 1980, as Carter was leaving the Oval Office, he transferred the responsibility to issue, implement and review the civil rights policies of 192 executive agencies like U.
Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights from the Executive Branch to the U.
Attorney General.
Twelve years later, in response to a Freedom of Information Act request, the Regional Director of Office of Civil Rights San Francisco office was forced to admit that task had never been performed.
In addition to tens of thousands of federal employees going to work everyday to enforce non-existent civil rights policies, the lives, health and careers of millions of students and teachers were threatened and impaired.
Rather than address the problem in a fair and responsible way, California State Bar members employed by the federal government turned to the State Bar Court to retaliate against the students and teachers and their attorneys through a series of bogus disciplinary actions.
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