The Secret to Weight Loss
There are many different weight loss programs out there and none better than the simplest one of all: eat less and exercise more.
This is not just the best kept secret out there ironically it is also the most common fact about how to lose weight.
I have used many variations of the diet model, but the ones that seem to work best for me are when I do a combination of calorie tracking and exercise points.
There are many free calorie trackers out there and once you find out what your daily intake should be keeping a journal and tracking the calories shouldn't be too difficult.
You can visit Lance Armstrong's Live strong website for a huge amount of free tools and information in fact I used this for about a year and had tremendous success without even paying a dime for the resources.
I believe the Weight Watchers Points system is designed with the calories burned equals calories earned approach which is why they have so much success because it pro-rates food based on the calorie, fat, and fiber content in order to help people maximize their fiber intake and limit the fat consumption.
This is also a good reason why calorie tracking alone does not work because the content of what you are consuming is just as important as how much of it you are eating.
Search around online and find the right tracking program for you that helps allow the flexibility of incorporating exercise and activity calories burned combined with nutritional feedback in order to maximize your weight loss success.
ight loss success.
This is not just the best kept secret out there ironically it is also the most common fact about how to lose weight.
I have used many variations of the diet model, but the ones that seem to work best for me are when I do a combination of calorie tracking and exercise points.
There are many free calorie trackers out there and once you find out what your daily intake should be keeping a journal and tracking the calories shouldn't be too difficult.
You can visit Lance Armstrong's Live strong website for a huge amount of free tools and information in fact I used this for about a year and had tremendous success without even paying a dime for the resources.
I believe the Weight Watchers Points system is designed with the calories burned equals calories earned approach which is why they have so much success because it pro-rates food based on the calorie, fat, and fiber content in order to help people maximize their fiber intake and limit the fat consumption.
This is also a good reason why calorie tracking alone does not work because the content of what you are consuming is just as important as how much of it you are eating.
Search around online and find the right tracking program for you that helps allow the flexibility of incorporating exercise and activity calories burned combined with nutritional feedback in order to maximize your weight loss success.
ight loss success.