Throw Away Your Proactiv and Clearasil
It is called Pro-Activ.
Keep that BS in mind, when you read my explanation.
Acne is not a skin problem.
It is an indicator of a poor, filthy diet.
In other words, too many sodas, and too much fast food.
Sodas and fast foods are full of chemicals.
Most are so full that very little actual food remains.
Sodas contain loads of lab-made sugar, dissolved into battery acid, and colored with another chemical so it resembles the natural color of the chemical flavor that was added.
Fast food started as real food, then fillers were added, as were chemical colors, chemical flavors, sugar for taste, fat for softness, and salt so it can last forever.
Now that you see just how many chemicals can be consumed in a day.
What happens to these chemicals? The liver tries to get rid of them from the blood stream and the kidneys try to rid them from the body altogether.
But there are so many, that the kidneys get overrun.
Doing whatever is necessary to maintain balance the body excretes them the only other way it can...
through the skin.
Many doctors refer to the skin as the third kidney.
This is not news to anyone with any knowledge of the human body.
I hope this helps some of you.
Clean up the diet and you will clean up your skin.
So where does this leave the celebrities that endorse these products? Who really cares, they stopped being relevant years ago.