Tips to Design Your Wedding Photo Book
You needn't necessarily rely on your photographer to design your wedding photo album. With numerous online printing services available, you can now design your own photo album to suit your taste and preferences. However, before your begin designing personalized wedding photo books, there are a few key points you need to pay attention to.
Images Should Face Inwards: The thumb rule when it comes to creating wedding photo books is to keep the images facing inwards. To be precise, images of people looking to your right should be placed on the left page and vice versa. Remember that going against this rule can mess up your album.
Keep a Check on the Symmetry: Symmetry is what sets the difference between a good and a worse photo album. So, make sure the arrangement of images is well-balanced and not clumsy making the reader lose interest.
Variation in Image Size: Personalized wedding photo books can be made even more interesting by bringing variation in the image size and of course the shape. Put together many small images in one page layout for that lively look. In short, unleash your creativity!
Keep it Organized: Well-organized images are what it takes to make the perfect wedding album. The best way to do it is to sort your wedding pictures and arrange them in progressive order, so that the reader gets the real feel of your wedding.
Let Quality Take Over Quantity: In the end, what matters is quality and not quantity! So, think smart and let the best pictures alone find a place in your album. When the best photos that reflect only those ‘very' special moments are in place, your wedding photo books are sure to be enjoyed not only by you, but also by everyone else!
You don't really require a time machine to get back to that ‘big' day of your life. With photo wedding albums, you can bring back those unforgettable moments right in front of you. Creating photo albums is a breeze at Simply visit the site, take your pick from the many professional wedding photo books' templates available, drag and drop your photos, choose your specifications, and you're done. If you need further help in creating wedding photo books online, then you can check out the tutorials available here.