Why Fad Fitness Programs Won"t Work
We've all seem those intense infomercials designed to get you all excited about some new way of training.
Yet if any of them really worked and were sustainable over time, we'd only need just one.
The truth is, most of us cannot sustain such a regimen to stay in shape.
These programs, in this author's opinion, are there for one thing...
to make money.
Additionally, often there's a tiny, almost unreadable area of text on the screen at some point, mentioning that the results "are not typical" and that following a diet is required for best results.
To reach fitness and/or weight loss goals, one needs to select a plan of action that is realistic and maintainable.
Using a qualified personal trainer with lots of experience is one of the best ways to do this.
A CPT (certified personal trainer) will help you put together a reasonable, sustainable program of exercise & style of eating that will suit your tastes and needs.
Rather than follow something that maybe won't get you to your goals, a CPT will ensure you have the tools you need to get in the best shape of your life and just as importantly, to stay there.
Another thing to consider is money.
While you may not realize the value in hiring a CPT, a little thought will shed some light on that.
If you're like most people trying to get into shape, you've probably purchased many books, programs, diet pills, rub on creams and more, only to give up in frustration until the next promising infomercial comes along.
Yet investing in a CPT will save you all of that, get you to the truth and to a program you will enjoy, without dangerous drugs or crazy diets or workouts.
You must accept that the only way to succeed is to eat less calories than you burn.
You can achieve this by eating less or increasing your activity level or a combination of both.
It's really that simple.
A good personal trainer will meet with you first, at no cost and discuss your goals and concerns with you and then give you an idea of his or her plan of action to help get you there.
Your trainer should be certified by a top agency.
Anyone certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine will know what to do.
This agency is the nation's finest of its kind and remains one of the toughest certifications to earn.
Good luck and don't give up! by Harry J.
Yet if any of them really worked and were sustainable over time, we'd only need just one.
The truth is, most of us cannot sustain such a regimen to stay in shape.
These programs, in this author's opinion, are there for one thing...
to make money.
Additionally, often there's a tiny, almost unreadable area of text on the screen at some point, mentioning that the results "are not typical" and that following a diet is required for best results.
To reach fitness and/or weight loss goals, one needs to select a plan of action that is realistic and maintainable.
Using a qualified personal trainer with lots of experience is one of the best ways to do this.
A CPT (certified personal trainer) will help you put together a reasonable, sustainable program of exercise & style of eating that will suit your tastes and needs.
Rather than follow something that maybe won't get you to your goals, a CPT will ensure you have the tools you need to get in the best shape of your life and just as importantly, to stay there.
Another thing to consider is money.
While you may not realize the value in hiring a CPT, a little thought will shed some light on that.
If you're like most people trying to get into shape, you've probably purchased many books, programs, diet pills, rub on creams and more, only to give up in frustration until the next promising infomercial comes along.
Yet investing in a CPT will save you all of that, get you to the truth and to a program you will enjoy, without dangerous drugs or crazy diets or workouts.
You must accept that the only way to succeed is to eat less calories than you burn.
You can achieve this by eating less or increasing your activity level or a combination of both.
It's really that simple.
A good personal trainer will meet with you first, at no cost and discuss your goals and concerns with you and then give you an idea of his or her plan of action to help get you there.
Your trainer should be certified by a top agency.
Anyone certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine will know what to do.
This agency is the nation's finest of its kind and remains one of the toughest certifications to earn.
Good luck and don't give up! by Harry J.