Ready to Hire Professional Musicians for Your Wedding?
Your goal is to find someone who can cater to your exact needs; financially and professionally.
Be selective! The wedding musicians you select must be able to provide the perfect ambience for your wedding festivities.
What's the Difference Between Wedding Booking Agents and Self Managed Artists? Who you hire should largely depend on the type of service you want for your wedding.
It's important to note that booking agents may not be musicians themselves; but instead may contract an individual or collection of artist(s).
The financial sum you are quoted by a booking agent for your wedding is not the actual price the musician is getting paid.
It's very rare that a booking agent reveals what the artist(s) is actually getting paid.
The fees quoted by a wedding booking agent are substantially higher than those of a self-managed wedding musician(s).
Self -Managed Wedding Musicians If you're on a semi-tight budget, you may opt for a self-managed artist/group to perform at your wedding.
Basically, you're cutting out the middle man.
Booking Agents are business men/women.
Theirs is a business which is competitive and expensive.
Nevertheless, a higher price does not guarantee that the entertainment will be better.
To find self managed artists in your area, try typing the name of your area and the words "wedding musician" or "wedding band" in your search engine.
If you're not satisfied with your results, check your phone book.
If you have a friend or family member that can provide a recommendation -- even better.
Just make sure that they have used this artist/band for a similar event.
Otherwise, it isn't a very strong recommendation.
Tips: Always check a musicians credentials prior to signing a contract.
Ask if they have a sample recording from a previous client's wedding Make sure that your musician's price coincides with a price quote given by at least two others Make sure that all verbal agreements correspond with the written contract Give an exact date and time for your musician's services.
Make sure this date and time are firm.
Most musicians do not have flexible schedules.
Signing the Contract: Terms of service should be agreed upon by both parties.
If something seems unclear, always ask to have the phrasing clarified.
Never sign a contract if it looks unprofessionally written.
If you are having a theme wedding and require your band/musician to dress in theme attire -- make sure this is written into the contract.