How and Why I Switched From COBRA to an Individual Health Plan
I was laid off from my job and I didn't know what to do.
Aside from the obvious issue of needing an immediate source of income, I also faced another problem.
I didn't know what I was going to do as far as health coverage was concerned.
My job had offered me a severance package with some benefits included, but in a few short months I'd be faced with some premiums that were twice as high as they were before.
I simply couldn't afford to pay over $500 per month for myself.
This sounded outrageous to me, as I'm sure it would to you too.
Especially when I had no job and no means to afford it.
COBRA was simply way more money than I was able to afford at the time, so I needed to start looking for an individual health insurance plan that might cover some of the things I needed covered.
Anyway, I started shopping around through some online brokerages and eventually came into contact with a few carriers who seemed like they'd have what I needed.
After the basic application process I was contacted by an agent, who asked me some follow up questions about my health.
Two months later, I'm now approved and enjoying a pretty good policy with benefits around $300 per month.
It's not ideal for me, but it sure beats COBRA.
Look hard enough and you'll find one for yourself too.