More on the Good and Bad Foods for Your Teeth
(We'd like to interject that Red Vines are a favorite around the office. You can make darn certain, though, that we follow such a snack with a Xylitol candy or at least a glass of water! You could do a lot worse than sugarless gum after a sugary snack as well.)
You might turn toward something seemingly healthier like a breadstick or some crackers or a roll or some chips. You might not be achieving your goal of better teeth and lower blood sugar. Let's say you're eating something starchy. In terms of texture and consistency these foods can get stuck in your teeth which is harmful. They also turn into sugars as they break down leading to the acid attack we were talking about before.
What should we snack on? We're not going to shut up about fruits and vegetables especially the crisp ones with fiber like apples and carrots. They stimulate saliva which washes other particles and bacteria away and also helps fight plaque. In as much as produce doesn't give you an acid attack on your teeth it also doesn't give you a sugar spike so energy levels (both physical and mental) will be more stable. You won't need another snack right away!
We've additionally learned that milk products are great snacks. They're high in protein and rich in calcium. Babybel cheese is a good one as well as string cheese. Maybe you'd enjoy a glass of milk? With any of these options you'll be doing your teeth, mood, and blood sugar a favor.
Nuts are great too and if you chew them thoroughly you won't have them sticking in your teeth. They're full of protein and vitamins and, like produce and dairy, they'll be kind to your mood and blood sugar.
There are more articles about healthy foods for your teeth at