Las Vegas Periodontist
Living in Las Vegas can be a very rewarding and enjoyable experience, living in Vegas with bad teeth and gums certainly is not. While there are a number of dental problems which can be handled by your family dentist, there are far more which require the specialized services of a skilled Las Vegas Periodontist. At Anthem Periodontics and Dental Implants, Dr. Ed De Andrade and his staff are here to help repair and restore your smile. We offer the following services:
Gum Grafting: This surgical procedure uses oral tissues harvested from carefully selected areas inside of your mouth to surgically restore your gums. It is commonly used to cover exposed roots and to eliminate what is often referred to as a "toothy" smile.
Gummy Smile: This procedure involves the removal of small sections of gum tissue. A "gummy" smile is one where the person appears to have excessively short teeth and seems to show far too much gum tissue when they smile. Also known as a gum lift, Dr. De Andrade will raise the gumline and then sculpt it to give his patients the "perfect" smile.
Oral Cancer Screening: As part of your initial appointment, Dr. De Andrade will give you a complete oral cancer screening. During this exam he will be looking for red or white patches in your oral tissues, any signs of abnormalities, or lumps. If he finds anything which looks unusual, he will harvest a few of the cells and send them out for detailed study. This service is performed on every patient as a way to reduce the risk of oral cancer.
Sedation Dentistry: Not everyone looks forward to a trip to their friendly dentist's office. For a number of people the need to see their dentist can cause significant anxiety. Anthem and Dr. De Andrade are fully certified by the Nevada State Board of Dental Examiners to administer a wide range of anesthetics to help relax you before, during, and immediately after your visit.
Cosmetic Dentistry: We know you want to have a beautiful smile. To help with this, Dr. De Andrade and his staff offer a full range of cosmetic dental Las Vegas Periodontist procedures. Among these are crowns, gummy smile, gum grafting, extractions, frenulectomies, damage repair due to tongue piercing, individual implants, and all on four implants. Our only goal is to give you a smile you can be proud of and love to show off. For more details visit: