Managing Social Anxiety Symptoms
Anxiety is clearly defined as a feeling of nervousness and worry on things or people surrounded you. It is a psychological and physiological state characterized by cognitive, somatic, emotional and behavioral components. As a matter o fact all of us have anxiety but some do have anxiety disorder. It is when you experience big anxieties and you are worrying about the things happen in which no need for you to get worry. There are symptoms for this anxiety disorder where a person starts to have the expectation of some disaster happened and will always worry of so many things such as money, health, family, work or even school. People having this kind of disorder often have unrealistic worries or is not proportion to the situation he belong to. He always feels more worries as well as fear in everyday of his life. He feels more uncomfortable.
Social anxiety disorder is when someone is not only anxious about normal things but their anxiety can be triggered by these situations such as meeting new people, being the center of attraction, being watched while doing something, making small talk, public speaking, performing on stage, being criticized or teased, being called in a class, going on a date making phone calls, using public bathrooms, taking exams, eating or drinking in public, speaking up in a meeting or even attending parties and other social gatherings.
If you feel nervous on the above mentioned situations, this is just normal. This does not mean that you already have social anxiety. It's just normal that you will feel nervous on those situations especially when it's your first time to be on that certain situation. If you are on a date, it's normal that you will feel nervous and get worried on what might happen on your date. You will be shy to the person where you have the date. Another example is, when you are going to deliver a speech in front of many people, it's also normal that you will feel nervous before you speak, you will be worried on what might be the peoples reaction after you speak. You're afraid to be criticized. You are afraid to be teased by them. But social anxiety is when you feel extreme nervousness that you became uncomfortable doing something that you must do.
There are to aspects for you to see the symptoms of social anxiety, psychological and physical. Physical symptoms can be easily determined. His includes the feeling of pounding heart or tight chest, shaky voice, fast inhalation, getting sweat or hot flashes, upset stomach, nausea, dry mouth, muscle tension, blushing, dizziness, feeling faint clammy hands and twitching. On the other hand, psychological symptoms contains feeling worry for how many days, weeks or will lasts for months before you undergo an approaching social situation, intense fear of being looked or judged by other people, especially to a person you don't know, feeling of intense consciousness of yourself and anxiety in day by day social situations. You will have the fear of doing something that will embarrass you or disgrace of yourself, afraid that your nervousness will be noticed by others and evading of social situations that reach the degree where you will set limitations of your activities or disturbance of your life.
Those above mentioned symptoms can happen to many people. We normally about things which is really brings barrier to our lives and this needs to be changed. You have to do something for you to be able to avoid having this disorder. There many ways that you can do if you found out that you have those symptoms. You have to fight against your worries and fears; this will really help you to recover from Social Anxiety Disorder.
Social anxiety disorder is when someone is not only anxious about normal things but their anxiety can be triggered by these situations such as meeting new people, being the center of attraction, being watched while doing something, making small talk, public speaking, performing on stage, being criticized or teased, being called in a class, going on a date making phone calls, using public bathrooms, taking exams, eating or drinking in public, speaking up in a meeting or even attending parties and other social gatherings.
If you feel nervous on the above mentioned situations, this is just normal. This does not mean that you already have social anxiety. It's just normal that you will feel nervous on those situations especially when it's your first time to be on that certain situation. If you are on a date, it's normal that you will feel nervous and get worried on what might happen on your date. You will be shy to the person where you have the date. Another example is, when you are going to deliver a speech in front of many people, it's also normal that you will feel nervous before you speak, you will be worried on what might be the peoples reaction after you speak. You're afraid to be criticized. You are afraid to be teased by them. But social anxiety is when you feel extreme nervousness that you became uncomfortable doing something that you must do.
There are to aspects for you to see the symptoms of social anxiety, psychological and physical. Physical symptoms can be easily determined. His includes the feeling of pounding heart or tight chest, shaky voice, fast inhalation, getting sweat or hot flashes, upset stomach, nausea, dry mouth, muscle tension, blushing, dizziness, feeling faint clammy hands and twitching. On the other hand, psychological symptoms contains feeling worry for how many days, weeks or will lasts for months before you undergo an approaching social situation, intense fear of being looked or judged by other people, especially to a person you don't know, feeling of intense consciousness of yourself and anxiety in day by day social situations. You will have the fear of doing something that will embarrass you or disgrace of yourself, afraid that your nervousness will be noticed by others and evading of social situations that reach the degree where you will set limitations of your activities or disturbance of your life.
Those above mentioned symptoms can happen to many people. We normally about things which is really brings barrier to our lives and this needs to be changed. You have to do something for you to be able to avoid having this disorder. There many ways that you can do if you found out that you have those symptoms. You have to fight against your worries and fears; this will really help you to recover from Social Anxiety Disorder.