Cornering Your Kitchen Table and Chairs Set
Savvy designers are increasingly turning to the idea of a corner set for the kitchen, one that makes maximum use of little used space to offer the most seating and greatest amount of table space.
A traditional kitchen table and chairs set requires a lot of space, largely because of the chairs.
Most professionals recommend a minimum of 30" between the table edge and a wall; more is desirable because there's not much maneuvering room with just 2 ½ feet, especially in this day and age.
Corner units fix this problem.
Because the bench seating can butt right up against a wall, there's no need to accommodate the additional space needed so a chair can be pulled out.
This is a tremendous space saver.
A corner kitchen table and chairs set can be added one of two ways.
The first is the most traditional, using benches in lieu of chairs in a corner.
Depending on the space, you can put a single bench against a wall or if you have a square table, a bench on two sides in an "L" shape.
You can then use another bench or chairs on the other two sides or even another bench of additional seating.
The second strategy is to go with a unit that is designed with the "L" shape already in mind.
These give you additional seating around the corner of the table and you can get a kitchen table and chairs set like this with either a back on the bench or backless.
If your eating area is backed by windows, you probably want to go with a lower back so that the light and views aren't blocked.
Designers have created many beautiful designs for this style of eating are in the kitchen and it's not hard to find table sets with bench seating, either individual benches or the "L" shaped corner unit.
When shopping for a corner kitchen table and chairs set, measurements are everything.
In many instances, homeowners prefer to have custom built units to maximize every square inch or their nook or setback, but you'll be surprised how easy it is to find a set that will work just fine and is "off the shelf.
" Before you measure, think about how you would like your kitchen table and chairs arranged.
Do you want it to have seating in the corner or is OK if the two benches meet to create an open space at the corner.
A lot of this has to do with how many guests you plan to seat at any particularly time.
Some people like to make use of the corner, others prefer to leave it open and rely on additional chairs on the other side, squeezing one in for the rare times guests are over.
One of the greatest things about having a corner set in the kitchen is that you can all enjoy one another's company while the meal is being prepared.
Kids can do their homework or play a game while somebody's cooking, providing more family time, which is a rare commodity in homes these days, it seems.
And when dinner's ready, if you have storage in your benches, the games can be stored right there, allowing you table to do double duty in your home.