FREE Photoshop 6 Video Tutorials Help Dominate Any Adobe Photoshop Version
When you open Photoshop 6 you will notice that there are four main components on your screen . These are the main tools used to create and edit images. These tools are:- Menu Bar, Drawing Canvas, Toolbox & Palettes.
We\'ll start with the most familiar item first. The Menu Bar looks like the menu bar in most other applications. Each menu item is almost self explanatory; for example, if you want to do anything with the "file" you are working on you will find it under "File." If you want to manipulate anything on the screen you should find it under "Edit" or "Tools." Basically, you can save, get a new screen, copy, and paste; all the functions with which you are already familiar.
The Drawing Canvas is the next component of Photoshop 6 that you need to familiarize yourself with. Your drawing canvas is the large white area in the middle of the screen where you create or edit your images. If you want to limit or specify the size of your image you want to set the size of your drawing canvas to match your requirements. The drawing canvas title bar tells you the name of your image, as well as the zoom and what mode you are in. It is possible to have an unlimited number of drawing canvases open at a time and to set them to all different sizes.
Your Toolbox is the main arsenal of tools that will allow you to create and edit your images in Photoshop 6. The toolbox holds twenty different tools that allow you to draw and modify images on your drawing canvas. You can hold your mouse over each item and a "tooltip" will appear telling you the name of the tool itself. If you notice a small triangle at the bottom of the tool icon you can press and hold your mouse over the tool and a flyout menu will appear showing any hidden tools. You can draw lines, fill in colors, erase images, select parts of an image, and so much more. For every tool that you select in your toolbox, Photoshop 6 changes the shape of your pointer in hopes of helping you to remember what tool you are currently using.
The final main component of Photoshop 6 is the dock which contain certain panels. By default, five panels will appear on your screen when you open Photoshop 6. These panels are: information, brushes, layers, command, and color. More are available from your Windows menu on the menu bar. The panels are what give Photoshop 6 its versatility. Each panel modifies the properties of the tools in the toolbox. For example, the brushes panel allows you to change the thickness of line your brush draws. Each panel contains its own features and it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with each panel and their functions. You will also want to look at the menu\'s for each of the panels which are availabe at the top right of the panel.
Once you are comfortable with the basic layout of Photoshop 6 you should get to know all the tools in your toolbox. The best way to do this is open a new drawing canvas select each tool and begin to play and see what each one does. If you have the instruction manual in front of you you will be able to read about each of the tools properties and what exactly it does. Once you have become comfortable with the basics of the program you can begin to work on the more advanced features.