Cowboy Crafts for Children
- Couple craft making and cowboys to provide children with fun and engaging activities.COWBOYS image by ab from
Whether you are a parent hosting a cowboy-themed birthday party or a school teacher who wishes to educate her students about cowboys, consider engaging children in cowboy craft-making activities. Children are naturally drawn to craft making, as they enjoy experimenting with the mediums associated with it, and such activities allow them to creatively express themselves--conveying their individuality. As such, children are more apt to relate to subjects that are introduced through crafts. - Kids will have fun creating a chuckwagon out of a tissue box and construction paper. Collect empty tissue boxes--one for each child. Help them wrap the tissue boxes with brown construction paper. Have children cut four circles out of black construction paper. Instruct them to glue two circles onto either side of the box--creating wheels for the wagon. Allow kids to decorate a piece of white construction paper with Wild West inspired images--such as horseshoes, cactus, stars and lassos. Help kids cover the wagon with the piece of decorated paper by taping it in an arch over the tissue box.
- Children can don these badges when they dress up, pretending to be cowboys. Have children trace and cut out a star stencil onto a piece of heavy yellow oak tag or poster board. Using a black marker, print the word "Sheriff" in the center of the star. Let kids trace the periphery of the star with glue and cover the glue with yellow or gold glitter. Once the glitter has dried, glue a clothing pin specifically intended for fastening an object to clothing to the back of the star.
- Kids sport these vests with their sheriff badges. Cut a hole in the bottom of a paper grocery bag large enough for the child's head. Create an opening for the vest by cutting the center of the bag down one of the wider sides. Make arm holes by cutting a hole in each of the narrower sides of the bag. Kids can make fringe on the bottom of their vests by cutting vertical slits near the large opening of the bag. To give the vest a worn look, steep tea bags and dab them along the paper, allowing them to dry. Once dry, children can decorate their vests with stickers, crayons, markers, paint or any other art material.
- Finish off kids cowboy ensembles with this cowboy hat craft. Create a cowboy hat template on heavy card stock. Have kids trace the template on black, white or brown oak tag and cut it out. Provide children with a variety of art materials to decorate their hats--star stickers or stamps, crayons, markers and so forth. Once decorated to their liking, have them punch holes along the bottom of the hat. Attach the cowboy hat image to a headband by stringing yarn through the holes and wrapping the yarn around the headband.