Flood Real Story: Fire Ants Control Revealed
The fire ants have developed an unusual adaptation to deal with the floods. When an underground colony of fire ants becomes flooded with water, the ants are able to form a living "raft" and float to drier ground. These amoeba-like masses of ants contain all of the colonies' members - the worker ants, brood (eggs, larvae, pupae), winged reproductive males and females, and queen ants.
Flood waters will not drown fire ants. Instead, their colonies will actually emerge from the soil, form a loose ball, float, and flow with the water until they reach a dry area or object that they can crawl up on. Floating fire ant colonies can look like ribbons, streamers, or as a ball of ants floating on the water. With this flooding comes the problem of various "critters" trying to find safe, dry ground.
During Flooding
Avoid contact with floating mats of fire ants.
If you are in a row boat, do not touch the ants with the oars.
When working in flood water, try to dress appropriately. Rubber boots, rain gear, and gloves (cuffed) can help prevent ants from reaching the skin.
If ants contact the skin, they will bite and sting and should be removed immediately by rubbing them off.
The ants will only cling to the skin if submerged and even a high-pressure water spray may not dislodge them. However, a spray made of diluted biodegradable dishwashing liquid may help immobilize, drown them.
When returning to flooded structures, floating ant masses are occasionally encountered, even indoors.
Reports of successfully sinking floating ants by spraying them with soapy water led to an assessment of using biodegradable liquid dishwashing detergent as a method of fire ant control in flood water. Two fluid ounces of dishwashing liquid mixed with 1 gallon of water sprayed on ants floating in a 5-gallon bucket filled with water caused 80 to 95 percent mortality within 10 minutes of spraying the solution on the surface. This is not a registered pesticide by the Environmental Protection Agency. With verification in actual flood water conditions, this method could be suitable for use by emergency personnel.
If you spot a mass of ants floating along, it is best to leave them alone. Fire ants bite and deliver a burning sensation that later forms into a small pustule. The ants are capable of biting multiple times.
Be Cautious. Be aware that fire ants can be under anything. When debris is picked up, pay attention to what is on, under, or in it - especially if the debris has been sitting in one area for several days. Fire ants love to get under furniture, carpet strips, and old wood to re-establish their colony. Protect yourself. Wear gloves, long sleeve shirts, long pants, socks and shoes. You may want to consider spraying insect repellent onto your shoes and lower pants leg. This may help deter foraging fire ants from climbing onto the legs, but may not repel ants defending their colony.
If using shovels or other tools, spread talcum or baby powder on the handle. Fire ants cannot climb onto vertical surfaces dusted with talcum powder unless the surface gets wet or the powder is rubbed off.
If fire ants are seen in a pile of debris that must be handled, use a shovel or other tool to avoid ant contact or consider treating the pile with a fast-acting household or lawn and garden insecticide. Aerosol spray products containing pyrethrins or pyrethrum derivatives (tetramethrin or allethrin) labeled for use on "ants" or "crawling insects" have a quick knockdown and break down quickly.
Spray as many of the ants as possible. But keep in mind that insecticides can be quite toxic to aquatic organisms. Also spray surfaces and cracks of infested objects and debris. Come back after the product has had time to act. Fire ant bait products should not be used at this time. They are slow-acting and the flooded mounds will be disorganized and worker ants will not be foraging for food.
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Auckland ant controls