All you need to know about Libido
What Causes Low Sex Drive? What Can You Do?
If you're a man in mid life experiencing reduced sexual desire you're not alone. Surveys show as many as 25% of men experience reduced sex drive and low sex drive affects one in three marriages. When low sex drive is mentioned, the spouse with the problem is usually categorized as the wife. However, there are many husbands who aren't interested in sex with their wives. And there is plenty you can do to boost low libido and restore normal desire.
Low Sex Drive More Common Than You Think
Men find it hard to admit to or talk about low sex drive because being sexual is so much part of being a man. But low sex drive is a more common problem than you might think. Declining testosterone levels as a natural consequence of aging, plus stress from work and family demands can add up to sexual burn out. Sexual therapists report increasing numbers of men who experience low libido - and it's often made worse because people find it so difficult to talk about.
Complaints about low desire are the No 1 problem brought to sex therapists.
Low Libido - You Don't Have to Put Up With It
Whether lack of desire originates with husband or wife, the end result is the same. There is a lack of physical contact, which is experienced by the other partner as the ultimate rejection. Many couples think they are the only ones with the problem. They feel as though nothing can be done about it. But low libido is a problem that's actually increased with the stresses of modern life - and sex is such a vital part of our lives no one should accept it's "all over". So if anyone tells you that a declining sex drive is something that you just have to put up with as you get older - they're wrong.
Low Libido - What You Can Do About It
If anyone tells you that low libido is something that you just have to put up with as you get older - they're wrong. Thousands of men and women are discovering the benefits of natural sex boosters like tribulus terrestris, horny goat weed, maca, muira puama, and ginseng.
Modern science and traditional medicine have joined forces to show how popular natural sex boosters work. Many of the active ingredients in traditional herbs have been investigated to work out just what it is in the herb which gives the good results. Those ingredients, in the form pure measurable active extracts, are now available in dietary supplement capsule which are easy to take and don't cost a lot.
However do not expect these natural products to work as quickly as pharmaceuticals, Natural sex boosters work a little slower, and while they may take a few days to work, they often provide additional benefits such as boosting libido and enhancing sensations.
Low Libido - Five Steps to Boost Desire
Just Do It - frequent sex helps jump start desire.
Tailor activity to hormonal highs: Men's testosterone, a primary hormone responsible for sexual desire, peaks at 7 to 8 in the morning.
Don't bury your head in the sand. Ignoring the problem isn't healthy. You need to get help.
Talk about what you need.
Don't keep score. Stop the blame game. It's a couple problem that requires change from both of you.
Low Libido Is NOT Impotence
Low libido is the same as low sex drive - but not the same thing as impotence or erectile dysfunction. Impotence or ED is wanting to have sex but not being able to carry through on the desire. Low libido is having little desire for sex even if you are capable of achieving erections.
Causes of Low Libido in Men
The causes of Low Libido in men are physical and psychological.
Physical Causes of Low Libido
Alcoholism - most common
Drug abuse - cocaine and marijuana
Obesity - common
Diabetes or other "major" disease
Prescribed drugs, particularly Proscar, a tablet used for prostate problems
Low testosterone levels
Thyroid disease
Psychological Causes of Low Libido
Depression - most common
Stress and overwork
Performance anxiety
Latent gayness
Serious relationship problems
What Can You Do About Low Libido in Men
Check hormone levels
Have a health examination
Get testosterone supplementation if necessary
Consider supplements
Lose weight
Control stress
Stop smoking
Check Hormone Levels
Men should have testosterone, DHEA and other androgen levels checked whenever there is any noticeable reduction in sex drive.
Have a Health Examination
Low sex drive may be the result of a thyroid condition, diabetes, hypertension, high blood pressure or other major illness. You should also discuss what other medications you are taking, because some anti depressants, tranquilizers and antihypertensive drugs as well as illegal drugs like marijuana and cocaine can reduce sex drive.
Get Testosterone Supplementation if Needed
For men, lifting testosterone levels can make a big difference in restoring libido and sex drive to normal levels. Testosterone is available in pill or patch form, or can be accessed by taking herbal formulas like proprietary supplement Herbal Ignite, containing Tribulus Terrestris.
Consider Supplements to Help Low Libido
Increasingly herbs which have been used traditionally by ancient peoples for thousands of years are being identified in modern science as useful for sexual enhancement.
Herb Name Herb Information
Avena Sativa Wild oats. Helps with stress, has been used to help nicotine withdrawal, improves sex drive.
Tribulus terrestris Stimulates the body to produce more testosterone rather than introducing a synthetic form.
Damiana This South America shrub has a testosterone-like effect and has long been associated with increasing male potency.
Gingko Biloba Used in the East for thousands of years. Research has shown it improves depression, circulation and blood flow to the brain.
Horny Goat Weed A popular herb for improving sexual function.
Yohimbe A hormone stimulant that increases libido and blood flow to erectile tissue. Not available only in some regions because of the side effects which can include anxiety, panic attacks, and hallucinations, elevated blood pressure, heart rate and headaches.
Zinc An essential mineral for prostate gland function and the reproductive health. Do not take more than 100mg a day.
Saw palmetto Excellent herb for prostate health, sexual functioning and desire.
Guarana South American shrub used as a stimulant.
Ginseng Used throughout the Far East as a general tonic to give extra energy and strength. Beneficial for people with diabetes.
Lose Weight to Help Improve Low Libido
Easier said than done for sure, but the uncomfortable reality is big bellied men have flagging libido. Men with a 42 inch (106 cm) waist are more than twice as likely to have erectile problems and Low Libido than those with smaller girths, according to a study of 2000 men aged 51 to 88.
According to Larrian Gillespie MD author of The Gladiator Diet "for men, losing as little as ten pounds can have a dramatic effect on sex drive."
As the balance of body fat reduces, the more free circulating testosterone there is available to fuel sex drive.
The Gladiator Diet is based on a diet that should be 40% protein, 35% carbohydrates and 25% fats taken in six small meals a day.
Forget low carb fad diets. Only a diet that includes protein and carbs produces enough serotonin "the male hormone of bliss" according to Jed Diamond, author of The Irritable Male Syndrome - Managing the 4 Key Causes of Male Depression and Aggression.
Alcohol gives serotonin a temporary bump but then dramatically lowers it, so it pays to go easy on booze.
To maximize testosterone, Diamond says, stay away from coffee, licorice and diet sweeteners.
Exercise to help Improve Low Libido
Research shows inactive men are more likely to suffer Erectile Dysfunction than men who exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.
Five Essential Habits for Stress Control
Develop your relaxation skills
Pay attention to physical health
Become a time management expert
Exercise regularly
Prioritize commitments and responsibilities
Check out these stress tests for a range of tests you can take to learn more about your own stress levels and ability to cope. Or try the free stress test at Stress Canada and find out whether you are a Speed Freak, a Loner or a Drifter - three of five stress types identified in research.
Stop Smoking to Help Improve Low Libido
Smoking can lower testosterone and increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, aneurysms, and hypertension because of elevated cholesterol levels. You can also add impotency to that group, as elevated cholesterol clogs the sensitive small blood vessels responsible for trapping blood in the penis during an erection.
Don't Put Up with Low Libido
You don't have to be the one staying up watching TV, waiting for your partner to go to bed first, hoping she'll (or he) will be asleep before you get to bed. You don't have to put up with the guilt of feeling you can't respond and that you can't talk about it either. Many men take years to admit there is a problem and get around to doing something about it. Consult your health practitioner, research possible dietary supplements on the web, or talk to your pharmacist, and take action for a fuller and more enjoyable sex life.
If you're a man in mid life experiencing reduced sexual desire you're not alone. Surveys show as many as 25% of men experience reduced sex drive and low sex drive affects one in three marriages. When low sex drive is mentioned, the spouse with the problem is usually categorized as the wife. However, there are many husbands who aren't interested in sex with their wives. And there is plenty you can do to boost low libido and restore normal desire.
Low Sex Drive More Common Than You Think
Men find it hard to admit to or talk about low sex drive because being sexual is so much part of being a man. But low sex drive is a more common problem than you might think. Declining testosterone levels as a natural consequence of aging, plus stress from work and family demands can add up to sexual burn out. Sexual therapists report increasing numbers of men who experience low libido - and it's often made worse because people find it so difficult to talk about.
Complaints about low desire are the No 1 problem brought to sex therapists.
Low Libido - You Don't Have to Put Up With It
Whether lack of desire originates with husband or wife, the end result is the same. There is a lack of physical contact, which is experienced by the other partner as the ultimate rejection. Many couples think they are the only ones with the problem. They feel as though nothing can be done about it. But low libido is a problem that's actually increased with the stresses of modern life - and sex is such a vital part of our lives no one should accept it's "all over". So if anyone tells you that a declining sex drive is something that you just have to put up with as you get older - they're wrong.
Low Libido - What You Can Do About It
If anyone tells you that low libido is something that you just have to put up with as you get older - they're wrong. Thousands of men and women are discovering the benefits of natural sex boosters like tribulus terrestris, horny goat weed, maca, muira puama, and ginseng.
Modern science and traditional medicine have joined forces to show how popular natural sex boosters work. Many of the active ingredients in traditional herbs have been investigated to work out just what it is in the herb which gives the good results. Those ingredients, in the form pure measurable active extracts, are now available in dietary supplement capsule which are easy to take and don't cost a lot.
However do not expect these natural products to work as quickly as pharmaceuticals, Natural sex boosters work a little slower, and while they may take a few days to work, they often provide additional benefits such as boosting libido and enhancing sensations.
Low Libido - Five Steps to Boost Desire
Just Do It - frequent sex helps jump start desire.
Tailor activity to hormonal highs: Men's testosterone, a primary hormone responsible for sexual desire, peaks at 7 to 8 in the morning.
Don't bury your head in the sand. Ignoring the problem isn't healthy. You need to get help.
Talk about what you need.
Don't keep score. Stop the blame game. It's a couple problem that requires change from both of you.
Low Libido Is NOT Impotence
Low libido is the same as low sex drive - but not the same thing as impotence or erectile dysfunction. Impotence or ED is wanting to have sex but not being able to carry through on the desire. Low libido is having little desire for sex even if you are capable of achieving erections.
Causes of Low Libido in Men
The causes of Low Libido in men are physical and psychological.
Physical Causes of Low Libido
Alcoholism - most common
Drug abuse - cocaine and marijuana
Obesity - common
Diabetes or other "major" disease
Prescribed drugs, particularly Proscar, a tablet used for prostate problems
Low testosterone levels
Thyroid disease
Psychological Causes of Low Libido
Depression - most common
Stress and overwork
Performance anxiety
Latent gayness
Serious relationship problems
What Can You Do About Low Libido in Men
Check hormone levels
Have a health examination
Get testosterone supplementation if necessary
Consider supplements
Lose weight
Control stress
Stop smoking
Check Hormone Levels
Men should have testosterone, DHEA and other androgen levels checked whenever there is any noticeable reduction in sex drive.
Have a Health Examination
Low sex drive may be the result of a thyroid condition, diabetes, hypertension, high blood pressure or other major illness. You should also discuss what other medications you are taking, because some anti depressants, tranquilizers and antihypertensive drugs as well as illegal drugs like marijuana and cocaine can reduce sex drive.
Get Testosterone Supplementation if Needed
For men, lifting testosterone levels can make a big difference in restoring libido and sex drive to normal levels. Testosterone is available in pill or patch form, or can be accessed by taking herbal formulas like proprietary supplement Herbal Ignite, containing Tribulus Terrestris.
Consider Supplements to Help Low Libido
Increasingly herbs which have been used traditionally by ancient peoples for thousands of years are being identified in modern science as useful for sexual enhancement.
Herb Name Herb Information
Avena Sativa Wild oats. Helps with stress, has been used to help nicotine withdrawal, improves sex drive.
Tribulus terrestris Stimulates the body to produce more testosterone rather than introducing a synthetic form.
Damiana This South America shrub has a testosterone-like effect and has long been associated with increasing male potency.
Gingko Biloba Used in the East for thousands of years. Research has shown it improves depression, circulation and blood flow to the brain.
Horny Goat Weed A popular herb for improving sexual function.
Yohimbe A hormone stimulant that increases libido and blood flow to erectile tissue. Not available only in some regions because of the side effects which can include anxiety, panic attacks, and hallucinations, elevated blood pressure, heart rate and headaches.
Zinc An essential mineral for prostate gland function and the reproductive health. Do not take more than 100mg a day.
Saw palmetto Excellent herb for prostate health, sexual functioning and desire.
Guarana South American shrub used as a stimulant.
Ginseng Used throughout the Far East as a general tonic to give extra energy and strength. Beneficial for people with diabetes.
Lose Weight to Help Improve Low Libido
Easier said than done for sure, but the uncomfortable reality is big bellied men have flagging libido. Men with a 42 inch (106 cm) waist are more than twice as likely to have erectile problems and Low Libido than those with smaller girths, according to a study of 2000 men aged 51 to 88.
According to Larrian Gillespie MD author of The Gladiator Diet "for men, losing as little as ten pounds can have a dramatic effect on sex drive."
As the balance of body fat reduces, the more free circulating testosterone there is available to fuel sex drive.
The Gladiator Diet is based on a diet that should be 40% protein, 35% carbohydrates and 25% fats taken in six small meals a day.
Forget low carb fad diets. Only a diet that includes protein and carbs produces enough serotonin "the male hormone of bliss" according to Jed Diamond, author of The Irritable Male Syndrome - Managing the 4 Key Causes of Male Depression and Aggression.
Alcohol gives serotonin a temporary bump but then dramatically lowers it, so it pays to go easy on booze.
To maximize testosterone, Diamond says, stay away from coffee, licorice and diet sweeteners.
Exercise to help Improve Low Libido
Research shows inactive men are more likely to suffer Erectile Dysfunction than men who exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.
Five Essential Habits for Stress Control
Develop your relaxation skills
Pay attention to physical health
Become a time management expert
Exercise regularly
Prioritize commitments and responsibilities
Check out these stress tests for a range of tests you can take to learn more about your own stress levels and ability to cope. Or try the free stress test at Stress Canada and find out whether you are a Speed Freak, a Loner or a Drifter - three of five stress types identified in research.
Stop Smoking to Help Improve Low Libido
Smoking can lower testosterone and increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, aneurysms, and hypertension because of elevated cholesterol levels. You can also add impotency to that group, as elevated cholesterol clogs the sensitive small blood vessels responsible for trapping blood in the penis during an erection.
Don't Put Up with Low Libido
You don't have to be the one staying up watching TV, waiting for your partner to go to bed first, hoping she'll (or he) will be asleep before you get to bed. You don't have to put up with the guilt of feeling you can't respond and that you can't talk about it either. Many men take years to admit there is a problem and get around to doing something about it. Consult your health practitioner, research possible dietary supplements on the web, or talk to your pharmacist, and take action for a fuller and more enjoyable sex life.