Children and Hair Loss - A Synopsis of the Types of Hair Loss
Hair loss among children is a common thing across continents of the world.
It is commonly referred to as alopecia.
There are not exceptions to the problem both in the developing and developed countries.
There are however concentration of certain types of alopecia in some countries or cultures.
This is due to presence of particular characteristics that may fuel the spread of the said type of hair thinning.
Thinning of hair or baldness can arise due to various causes.
The causes include skin disorders, fungal infections, physical trauma and hereditary factors.
Depending on the cause of loss of hair and accompanying symptoms, the type of a loss of hair also known as alopecia can be classified into various categories.
Here are few of these types of alopecia: Alopecia areata: This is one of the most common types of alopecia.
It is characterized by a patchy surface of the skin on the skin.
It is the most common type of alopecia and it affects about 1% of those with the disease.
Among those who have used the this type of loss of hair, there is patches of hair as the loss happens in patches.
In most cases, the child loses more than half of the hair.
Causes include use of birth control pills, sexually transmitted diseases especially syphilis, anemia and arthritis.
Severe pain from infections such as arthritis may cause other hormones such as cortisol to rise beyond usual limits triggering hair thinning.
Alopecia universalis: also known as alopecia totalis is more of an indicator of the stage of the alopecia.
It often describes an advanced alopecia areata, a condition where the child loses all the hair.
Telogen Effluvium: this is a common type of loss of hair among children and is characterized by certain dearth of hair.
It is common among the new born babies or those who have undergone cancer treatments.
Trichotilimania: this is unique because the child would be plucking their own hair when they suffer from this condition.
It is more of a psychological problem rather than localized skin problem.
Among the children the boys will present this problem more than the girls, but as they hit their teenage, the girls may exhibit the problem even more strongly.
You can tell that trichotilimania is coming up by learning the emotions of your child.
If you are in a family set up, make it a routine to be able to share experience and help tone down the anger and frustrations.
Whatever the type of hair loss, the remedies remain much the same.
It is commonly referred to as alopecia.
There are not exceptions to the problem both in the developing and developed countries.
There are however concentration of certain types of alopecia in some countries or cultures.
This is due to presence of particular characteristics that may fuel the spread of the said type of hair thinning.
Thinning of hair or baldness can arise due to various causes.
The causes include skin disorders, fungal infections, physical trauma and hereditary factors.
Depending on the cause of loss of hair and accompanying symptoms, the type of a loss of hair also known as alopecia can be classified into various categories.
Here are few of these types of alopecia: Alopecia areata: This is one of the most common types of alopecia.
It is characterized by a patchy surface of the skin on the skin.
It is the most common type of alopecia and it affects about 1% of those with the disease.
Among those who have used the this type of loss of hair, there is patches of hair as the loss happens in patches.
In most cases, the child loses more than half of the hair.
Causes include use of birth control pills, sexually transmitted diseases especially syphilis, anemia and arthritis.
Severe pain from infections such as arthritis may cause other hormones such as cortisol to rise beyond usual limits triggering hair thinning.
Alopecia universalis: also known as alopecia totalis is more of an indicator of the stage of the alopecia.
It often describes an advanced alopecia areata, a condition where the child loses all the hair.
Telogen Effluvium: this is a common type of loss of hair among children and is characterized by certain dearth of hair.
It is common among the new born babies or those who have undergone cancer treatments.
Trichotilimania: this is unique because the child would be plucking their own hair when they suffer from this condition.
It is more of a psychological problem rather than localized skin problem.
Among the children the boys will present this problem more than the girls, but as they hit their teenage, the girls may exhibit the problem even more strongly.
You can tell that trichotilimania is coming up by learning the emotions of your child.
If you are in a family set up, make it a routine to be able to share experience and help tone down the anger and frustrations.
Whatever the type of hair loss, the remedies remain much the same.